And now: Fan fics! I didn't write these or the summaries. The authors are listed here with there websites, if they don't have a website, I'll link their accounts or e-mails. Okay people, submit your stuff to [email protected] if you want your work up here. I don't care what pairings or anything. Just write and submit.(Note the similarities to the fan art page? Thank-you copy & paste.)

Stories By Zarla | Stories By Tinque Abelle | Stories By Nny's Fallen Angel | Stories By IcePrincess777 | Stories By JulianaTheorize | Stories By ReiNny | Stories By o-morbid-one

Stories By Zarla

Zarla's Site
Vargas (PG) (Drama/Humor)

Summary: Ah, what if. The best friend of any writer. And here, the question is "What if Nny had not killed Edgar?" An interesting question with an equally interesting answer...

Replacement ||| Phone ||| Caf� ||| Bonk ||| Movie ||| Squee ||| Experiment ||| Up ||| Misplace ||| Empty||| Books||| Gone

Stories By Tinque Abelle

Tinque Abelle's Site
Sympathy From The Devil (PG-13) (Romance)

Summary: Pepito/Squee slash. Pepito and Squee begin their first year of highschool. Finished.

Chapter Uno ||| Chapter Dos ||| Chapter Tres ||| Chapter Cuatro ||| Chapter Cinco ||| Chapter Seis |||

Stories By Nny's Fallen Angel

Nny's Fallen Angel's account
The Dangers of Leaping to Conclusions (PG-13) (Humor)

Summary: Tenna gets a weird misconception about what happened to Devi when she went out with Nny, and goes to his house to... erhm, straighten things out.

The Dangers of Leaping to Conclusions

Desires Of The Mind (R) (Romance/Angst)

Summary: WOOOHOOO! Chapter five is finally finally finally here! I think I've gone mad with joy and relief. Plus, I reloaded ALL the other chapters after I read them over and made a few changes. It felt a lot better to me afterward. a lot smoother now.

Remembrance and Other Such Expository Nonsense ||| Jaded Reality ||| Reunions and Strange Coincidences ||| The Call, A Resolution, And A Confrontation ||| Broken Hearts Mending |||

Stories By IcePrincess777

IcePrincess777's account
Nny's Lost Memory (R) (Humor)

Summary: This is a one shot story about why you shouldn't leave tape recorders on in other people's cars. Includes Nny's first driving lesson and how he got his car.

Nny's Lost Memory

By Stories By Juliana Theorize

Juliana Theorize's Account
Flashbacks (R) (Angst/Tragedy)

Summary: Incomplete. Thirteen-year-old Todd Casil has had enough of his abusive parents - can his homicidal neighbor help?

Chapter 1 ||| Chapter 2 ||| Chapter 3 |||

Nny's Lost Memory

Stories By Rei Nny

Rei Nyy's Site
A New Face (PG-13) (General)

Summary: Squee's mom is having another kid, Squee's 16 now, but no one cares, Will Squee have to take care of his new sibbling, sure thing he's parents wont, what else will happen? 3rd Chapter up!!

Default Chapter ||| A month later, and a fight ||| Shmee? ||| And the story goes on |||

Stories By o-morbid-one

o-morbid-one's site
Secret (PG) (Drama/Tragedy)

Summary: Johnny is a very private guy. He reveals something about his past.

Secret |||

Daddy Loves You (PG-13) (Drama/Angst)

Summary: About Todd, his father, and Johnny. Just read, I can't explain.. rating for nature of story.

Daddy Loves You |||

Tingling Sensation (PG) (General/General)

Summary: Johnny does something he hasn't done in a long time.. It involves a hand and a tissue. *giggle* Read or die.

Tingling Sensation |||

Pushing Me Away (PG-13) (Drama/Angst)

Summary: Johnny gives up his chase.

Pushing Me Away ||| 1

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