Got Questions?

Got some questions, huh? Well, you've come to the right place, Darlin'! Just click a link below and let it take you where you wish to go! >_< No more rhyming, I promise...

1. The very basics: What is the NML? How do I join? What do I need to do, on this site?

2. Yahoo!Groups: How to get where you want, and not spend all day looking for it! **NEW** - How to change the email address you receive NML emails at!

3. Dude, a welcome page? What?

1. NML Basics

What is the NML? And what's the hoo-ha about it?

Ah, my friend. My poor, poor, uninformed friend. :-) The NML is the abbreviated term for the 'Newsies Mailing List', a Yahoo!Groups list. It's home to over 700 members, who share one common interest: Newsies. If you've not seen Newsies, the Disney classic created in 1992 and directed by the BRILLIANT Kenny Ortega, well, I can't help you there. Go to your local video store and rent it, and then come back!

The NML, created in 1992 by a group of friends, is a place where fans of the movie can get together and discuss the movie, the characters, and really, anything else. Because, you see, it's so much more than just a mailing list; it's 700 friends! You'll get the chance to meet people all over the world, who share your love of Newsies, as well as, most likely, many other interests. It's truly unique in that it's a very safe environment, and many people on the list (termed listees) are very close, thus giving it a very 'home-y' feeling. Haha, ahem, anyway. It can sometimes be a lot of emails, though, so if you don't want 10 emails coming in a day, remember to set it to 'Daily Digest' or 'No email' when you join! (Daily digest is a mass email that will send you about up to 20 posts in one big email, and no email is just that, no email, you have to go to the main yahoo!groups NML page to read the posts). But it's worth it!

You'll see a lot about list moms. Those are the two moderators of the list, elected by the list once a year. This year, it's ShoeGoil and Firecracker. In the Contact link, you'll find ways to get a hold of both of them as well as me, Relic. We'd love to hear from you, and any questions regarding the list should be directed to us.

All right, all right. Quit with the sales pitch, Relic, I already want to join! But I don't know how to do it!

** Important Note ** BEFORE you join, READ THE RULES!! It makes things so much easier for everyone, and all of us on the list will love you for it.
To apply for membership, do one of the following:

Write your email address in the box below where instructed, and then click the purple 'Join Now' button on the right!

Subscribe to newsies
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Or, if you want to join through your yahoo account (this will make it easier to get onto the group's main page later on, believe me!)

1. Go to

2. Sign In (if you don't have a yahoo account, I'd advise you to get one, but again, you can always just use the other way and type in your email address!)

3. Go to and click 'Join'

4. Follow Yahoo's directions! Please make sure to choose the correct email choice for you (read the previous question for a bit of background on this!) to avoid anything unpleasant later!

5. You're In!

So, I've been accepted to the NML! Now what do I do?

On this site, you can send in a newbie profile (located under the Profile's section) form, so that we can all see a little bit about the magnificence that is you! Profiles should be up between 2-4 days, so if you have to wait longer than a week, please contact me and let me know. Also, don't forget to send out a post to the NML and let them know you're there! To send an email to the NML, address the post to: [email protected]

Personally, I'd advise you, when sending out your introductory post, to say your nickname, where you're from, how long you've liked Newsies, and a few tidbits about you. Just have fun!

2. Yahoo!Groups

So, I'm at, the main site. Help!

First, let me start out by saying, Yahoo has great technical support. If you need help with your account, verifying your email addresses, or anything like that, please go to them! Not only would I be no help, but moreover, they would be, so save yourself some trouble and direct those questions to Yahoo!. If you need help joining the group, please refer back to question 1, NML Basics.

** NEW ** Scroll to the bottom of this section if you are needing help changing your list email address!

All right! Let's get you started!
Take a look at the links on that sidebar over there, on your left? That is your friend! Pay attention to it, and read my walkthrough, and we'll have you a mean, Yahoo!Group-ing machine in no time!


This link will take you to the archives, which is where the old messages are stored. This, my friend, is very cool! Go back a day or two to find that post you missed, or a year ago, just to find out what things were like back then! This is handy when you want to read some of your old posts: a trick is to type in what your looking for in that bar up on the right, such as your nickname or a friend's nickname (try not to use too many words, as it searches each word), and click the 'Search Archive' button right next to it.
Also, on the main page (the Home link), you'll notice, under 'Message History' (scroll down a bit, you'll see it!), that there's a calendar. Click on the number under a certain month and year, and it will take you to the start of that month, of that year. Try it! It's pretty cool! Want to see the first post ever? (On yahoogroups, that is). Go to July, 1998, and you'll see it! Cool, no? Yeah!


This is pretty self-explanatory. Go here and post! From this link, you can send an email to the list, from you. Just type in a subject, type out your email, and hit send! All the responses will even come back to your email inbox. Isn't that neat?


This is the cool little chatroom that Yahoo! gives us to talk to each other! You have to download Java to be able to access it (for more information on Java, go to the chatroom link and click 'download', and it will tell you all about it!), but often you can catch a listee or two lurking around! A nice way to talk to a fellow listee, and you don't need an instant messenger for it!


Here is where you can upload files onto the main database. Here you can take a file from your computer (a fanfiction, or a picture *though there's other places for that*, a list of bloopers, whatever you like!) and upload it onto the site so that everyone on the list can enjoy it! Just click add file, browse through your documents on your computer to find the file that you'd like to put on the site, write out a description, and then click 'Upload File'. If you wish, you can check the 'Notification' box, which will send out an email to the NML, letting everyone know you uploaded a file, and the description of said file.
Also, if you're going to upload a few files, you can make a folder for them by clicking 'Create Folder' and filling in the blanks. Or place your file under an already-made folder by clicking on the folder and then uploading your file. Okay? Okay!


Here you can see your fellow listees! When uploading a picture, please make sure it's less than 100kb. We have limited space, so we have to keep the size down!


Just like it says! Got a newsies-related website you want to share? Add it to the links! Just click 'Add Bookmarks', type in the title of your website, the URL, and a description, and then hit 'Add Bookmark' and up it goes! Or maybe you want to do some Newsies surfing. Well, this is definitely the place! With a ton of websites, you are bound to find some really cool, really entertaining stuff!


These are lists, basically! Feel free to start one by clicking 'Add Table', or join one, by clicking on the table name and placing your information under 'Add Record'. Pretty cool stuff! Yahoo! treats us pretty well!


One of our most-used site places! Want a consensus for something? If nothing other than just your curiosity, start a poll! Click 'Create Poll', follow the instructions, and hit 'Create Poll' down at the bottom. Very neat! When creating a poll, it's often good to set a date for it to close, as often times, people forget to shut them down manually. Or maybe you just want it to go on forever! Either way is cool!
To vote on a poll, click the title of the poll, and then, depending on the poll, either select your answer, or check your answers. Depending on what the poll creator wanted, sometimes you will be able to see your vote right away, and other times, you'll have to wait until the poll closes. Definitely something to do on those dull, rainy Sunday evenings!


Here's a list of all the members! This tells you the member's yahoo screenname, email address, and the date they joined (this is often misleading, however, since many members change their addresses through the course of their membership). You can click on the person's email address right from here, and even send them an email, right from the site! Neat, huh? Also, a yellow smiley face by their yahoo screenname means that they're currently online.


This is neat! If you don't use anything else, be sure and check this out, at least! Here you can post your list anniversary (your one-year is important! Or your six-month, or whatever you feel), your birthday, whatever! You can do this by selecting the date (use that little calendar on the far right!), then pushing the 'Add Event' button. More often than not, you'll usually want to select 'All Day' for the Duration period, and 'Don't Repeat' for the Repeat part.
The list receives notifications for calendar events, so when you get one, be sure to wish the person a happy ____, if you want! To get messages to them (often times they won't leave their email address on the notification), search the archives for their nickname until you find a post of theirs, and then you'll find an email address for them! Problem, solution!


Here you can promote the NML! Use one of these buttons (copy and paste the HTML code onto your online journal userinfo, webpage, etc.) to show your NML love! Paste the codes to your website so that the world will know! Or at least, everyone who goes to your site. :-)


So I got a new email address, and I want to make it so that my NML emails go to the new address. Do I have to leave the NML and rejoin with the new address?

No, absolutely not! The only time you would need to leave the NML and then rejoin it is if you have a whole new yahoo user account. Even if it's another yahoo email address, or any other email address, you should be able to use the following instructions to receive email at your new address without leaving the NML and rejoining. Another thing to note is that list moms can't do this for you - you have to do this yourself. All a list mom can do is unsubscribe your old account and subscribe your new account. It's a lot easier to just follow the instructions below, and plus, these will work for any yahoogroup you're in!

Click on the images to see fullsize views.

1. At the group's main page,, find the 'Edit Membership' link and click on it.


2. Next, click the 'Add new email address' link.

3. Now, enter the email address you want to receive list email in, in the spot provided. Then, click continue.

4. Usually at this point, you'll be asked to verify your password. Just type in your yahoo account password and click the 'Sign in' button.

5. Verify that the email address is right, and then click 'Verify Your Email Now'

6. You should receive an email in your new email address from yahoo soon, if not immediately. Follow the instructions within it, and you should start receiving group mail at your new address!

Please note that there are other ways to do this, this is just one easy way. If something doesn't work or you're still not receiving emails at the new address after following all the instructions, contact yahoo help about the problem.

Hope that helps!

3. Welcome Page Stuff

What is the Welcome Page? How'd it get started?

Well, if you read the disclaimer (of course you did, right? :-)), you know that I am not the brains behind this genius idea. No, not at all. That glory belongs to CB and Storm, two ex-NMLers who, remembering their confusing days as newbies, strove to make it easier on in-coming newbies in the future. And, they did.
The welcome page differs from a main NML page in that it is just that; a welcome page. CB and Storm wanted a site where newbies could come, read up and not get confused when they join! After all, who wants to get confused? This is just a helper site, and the third version of it, even.

Okay, so, who are you?

I'm Relic! I'm a former list mom, and I do lots of little things around the list. However, I've had this site since before I was list mod and continue to run it afterward. I'm just a listee who maintains this site on her minimal knowledge of HTML and abundance of free time. I love Boots and Spot, and I can be reached on AIM: RelicBabe, or by email. Drop me a line, I'd love to hear from you!

Can I help somehow?

Yes!! This site could always use new ideas. If you have one, please send one in! You will, of course, be credited for anything you send in that is used on this site. I am not actively looking for someone to co-run this right at the moment. However, anything you have to offer, I would love to hear, so please send it on in! Also, if you find any errors on this site, please let me know; I know I miss things, and it's always so helpful to have an extra set of eyes.


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