Winter Fall
Instance 01: Frostbitten Memory--Nicholas Adel
Instance 02: Saving Grace--Sora Hiriyuki
Instance 03: Bittersweet--Nicholas Adel
Instance 04: Uninvited Intrusion--Saburo Mirai
Instance 05: One or the Other--Arashi Harada
Instance 06: Drifting, Drifting--Nicholas Adel
Instance 07: Annoyances--Saburo Mirai
Instance 08: Priorities--Luna Kyusuke
Instance 09: Everyday Insanity--Delsus Azarze
Instance 10: It's Just Another Day--Arashi Harada
Instance 11: Of Blood and Payback--Bladen Murakami
Instance 12: Not in the Job Description--Delsus Azarze
The Recap
Instance 13: Taken Away From All This--Dakumi Yume
You will note and respect that everything on this site is (c) now and forever to Nicole Roland (aka Mirai-sama, aka Kairi) and not steal. If you do steal, I can only promise you pain.
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