IThe Five-Minute* Recap: Complete with shameless random linking to side stories to distract you!
*Not really, we lied.

Mirai: *cough* Well, now that everyone�s gathered, let�s get this over with.
Luna: �Why are we even here, again?
Delsus: *mutters something about being deprived of a day off*
Adel: Because Mirai is lazy and hasn�t updated in forever, so she�s probably the only one who even knows what�s going on anymore.
Mirai: It wasn�t my fault I had issues!
Saburo: �Had?� You
still have them.
Mirai: *flail* Shut up!
Luna: Can we just get this over with already?
Dakumi: Well, if you�d all shut up�
Mirai: I
knew there was yet another reason I loved you.
Himeko: Anyway!
Mirai: Right, recap. Okay. So, first chapter.
Sora: It was mainly just Adel pining over Ara.
Random shot of Adel dragging himself through the graveyard.
Mirai: �Pretty much. Random flashback to his death, and all that. Until Adel collapsed, being half-dead himself.
Adel: And there�s
how many chapters left to recap? This is taking too long.
Mirai: Quit bitching and collapse, damnit! *hits him over the head with a hammer*
Adel: *hits the floor unconscious*
Mirai: Anyone
else wanna complain?
Cricket chirp.
Saburo: �Anyway, Sora found Adel and brought him back in chapter two, and I had to save his life. Then we all argued over whether or not he was going to help us save Ara and/or take down the Raidien Company.
Harada: *nod* Yeah, and then when he finally woke up in 03--
Random shot of sleepy-looking, shirtless Adel with an arrow that�s labeled �Gratuitous fan service.�
--we had to explain things to him and he found out Ara wasn�t really dead (at least, not anymore) but being held by Raidien. And not only that, but Ara lost his memory of his �previous� life when he ha been killed.
Saburo: Then he got all protective and said we should stay out of it and that he could handle it himself.
Himeko: And that�s when he got into trouble. Marched into the company lobby, got shot at by Ara, then ended up running into Katarina.
Luna: Which brings us to 04, when he came crawling back pathetically! *innocent Soujiro-esque smile*
Saburo: For some odd reason, I let him do so.
Sora: *prods still-unconscious Adel and shrugs* Because the plot demanded it.
Saburo: *stares at Mirai* You mean was plot
before 11?
Mirai: Hush, you. Natsume-san�ll knock you into next week.
Anyway, after random SaaRada fluff, 05 brought us to Ara. Turns out he had forgotten everything except Adel. So he tracked down Adel and asked him to meet him, saying it wasn�t a trap, or at least he didn�t plan for it to be.
Delsus: Adel�s in love, so he still trusts him and agrees to come. Then Blade showed up and Ara did a horrible job of trying to deny he was protecting Adel, too.
Luna: In the end, he got drugged by Daku-chan, after meeting with Ishiro-taijou and that was the end of that.
Mirai: Then there was 06, and Adel�s life snowballed downhill.
Sora: Of course, he didn�t listen to us when told him it was a trap even though Ara said it wouldn�t be.
Saburo: I quote, �People do stupid things when they�re in love.�
Mirai: *nods sagely* So Adel met Blade and threatened him, and then got drugged much like Ara did.
Himeko: Except Ara didn�t end up in an abandoned church and/or molested.
Mirai: Ah yes, more fan service.
Luna: *random drama mode* And then! Just when Adel had hit rock bottom, who should appear but Saa-kun! *pose*
Fanfare and spotlight on Saburo, who looks at Luna like she�s a nut.
Sora: �Yeah. Anyway, that was the end of 06/beginning of 07.
Harada: *prods half-awake Adel in the forehead before glancing up at Sora* Yeah, and you woke us up at two in the morning.
Adel: Go �way�*curls up*
Sora: It wasn�t my fault!
Luna: Everybody shut up! I was in the middle of explaining something! *smacks Sora in the head*
Sora: �Whatever.
Luna: Squall! *pounce*
Sora: *flails, falls over*
Mirai: �This is getting out of hand.
Saburo: *shrugs* Who�s fault is that?
Mirai: Hush. *shove*
Himeko: *cough* Can we get on track? We only have four chapters left after this one.
Delsus: Anyway, one sentence explanation for 07 here. Saburo shows up, shoots Bladen, gets in a lover�s tiff, gets molested, gets Blade put in the infirmary, gets Adel and gets out of there.
Himeko: �That was redundant.
Mirai: Redundancy is good for you.
Himeko: It is?
Mirai: Yes. It is.
Saburo: *smacks Delsus* He�s not my lover.
Delsus: Where have you been?
Seven Ways, anyone?
Saburo: You�re going to ruin my reputation, Mirai. *glare*
Mirai: See if I care! *randomly wearing Sora�s Final Form outfit* Save me, Riku! *hides behind Dakumi*
Dakumi: *dressed as Riku with a poof* �Can we get back on track?
Mirai: Yeah, Roxas! *waves keyblade in Saburo�s general direction*
Harada: Anyway, 08 was showcased the insanity that it is Raidien.
Himeko: More like the insanity that is Bladen on painkillers, but actually Raidien is pretty insane all on it�s own.
Luna: *releases deathgrip on Sora* I made an introduction of sorts of everyone and their partners. Daku-chan got kissed twice, by Blade, no less, *pats him on the shoulder* which amused everyone else.
Dakumi: Yeah, and then Himeko wouldn�t even let me kill him.
Himeko: *waves finger in admonishment* I�ve told you before, no killing your co-workers.
Luna: *pouts* Especially my partner.
Dakumi: �Damn your cuteness.
Delsus: Then in 09, I got dragged into this mess. Shoved Bladen out on the presidential floor after stealing his shirt�then nearly got killed by Dakumi when I got back down to the first floor.
Mirai: Not to mention backhanded by Luna and manhandled by Himeko not too long after that.
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