NIST Interschool Tactical Robotics Organization
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Welcome to the NITRO TRS Homepage
Planning for NITRO 2004-2005

NITRO was a success during the last semester of 2003-2004.  However, there is more planned. You can see
this page for some of the events that have been considered.  Suggestions are welcome.  Note: NITRO does not sell any of the robots, which belong to their respective builders.
Proposed Events
NQC Guides
Challenge 1
Challenge 2
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NITRO Disclaimer
News: NITRO had recently received an email threatening to shut it down because of "trademark issues".  Further investigation has revealed it to be a hoax, and you can see the letter here.
News: NITRO welcomes and thanks all the new members to our club.  We will be proceeding with lots of new activities this year, and we appreciate your support.
You are Roboteer number:
Sign the NITRO WebBoard
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  This is the page for the NITRO Tactical Robotics Sector, where members learn how to build and program robots, perfect their skills are designers and programmers, and most of all, compete in different events to find the best robot of them all.

  The programming language we will use is called NQC, developed by a man named David Baum.  It is very versatile, and quite user-friendly.  It is a good way to introduce programming to NITRO Roboteers.
Nitro comes from the Latin word nitrum.  It means "containing niter ".  Niter is the Middle English word for potassium nitrate, KNO3, which is a white, gray, or colorless mineral and is used especially in making fertilizer, gunpowder and explosives.  The idea is that our club will involve lots of energetic, explosive, yet perfectly safe robotic combat.
Last Updated: September 17th 2004
Contact the Organizer
Frank (Tha-An) Lin
[email protected]
Meet some of the TRS Roboteers...  Scary bunch, aren't we?
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