NIST Interschool Tactical Robotics Organization
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TRS Proposed Events for 2004
NITRO Tactical Robotics Sector Proposed Events

Event: "Pipe Dream"
Classification: Autonomous Puzzle-Type Competition, Scored
Description: Each team builds a line-following robot that will traverse a maze of moveable squares with different line designs.  Each plate fits into the grid of the maze.  When the competition starts, the robot starts to move, and there is a random selection of three plates to choose from.  Every time the team places one, another randomly appears.  The object is to use the most plates.
Robot: LEGO Mindstorms Set
� 1 RCX per team
� Maximum number of light sensors is 2
� Maximum number of motors is 3
Playing Field: Moveable plates
� Turns (4 kinds)
� Straights (2 kinds)
� X crossings (1 kind)
Scoring: Your score is your time divided by the square root of the number of plates used.

Event: "Woots and Snarks"
Classification: Autonomous 1 v 1 competition, scored
Description: Each team builds a can moving robot that is designed to push red cans to the opponent�s side, and bring black cans to their side.  The playing field is divided into two halves, with a semicircular base on either end.  Touching of the robot is only allowed inside your base
Robot: LEGO Mindstorms Set
� 1 RCX per team
� Maximum number of light sensors is 2
� Maximum number of touch sensors is 1
� Maximum number of motors is 3
Playing Field:
� One half black, one half white
� Semicircular base of green on each end
� 4 red cans and 6 black cans
Scoring: Black cans on your side gives you 10 points, and 20 points in your base.  Red cans on your side and base takes away the respective number of points.

Event: "Cutthroat"
Classification: Autonomous 1 v 1 v 1 sport competition, scored
Description: Each team builds a robot to transport painted ping-pong balls.  The goal, similar to the rules for Cutthroat for pool, is to keep the balls of your color on the board, while removing balls of your opponents� color.  Extra points are awarded if you place your balls in the very center of the board.
Robot: LEGO Mindstorms Set
� 1 RCX per team
� Maximum number of light sensors is 2
� Maximum number of touch sensors is 2
� Maximum number of motors is 3
Playing Field:
� Circular field fenced-in with a white rim
� The rim counts as �out�
� Robots can bring balls back into the center of the field, from the rim
Scoring: Number of balls in the arena after 3 minutes denotes number of points.  Balls in the center give 2 points.  Highest points win.

Event: "Robot Tag"
Classification: Autonomous sport-type competition
Description: Each team builds a robot that needs to run away from light, because there is a big angry robot out to get them!  (Probably Missy D with a flashlight taped to her back)
Robot: LEGO Mindstorms Set
� 1 RCX per team
� Maximum number of light sensors is 2
� Maximum number of touch sensors is 1
� Maximum number of motors is 3
Playing Field:
� Large, flat area that is fenced in
� A few obstacles in the form of cans filled with sand
� Missy D will be controlled by Frank
Scoring: If you are tagged by Missy D, you are removed from the field.  Last robot in the game gets 3 points, second last gets 2, and third last gets 1 point.  Game is played 5 times, and robot with most points win.

Event: "Zombies!"
Classification: Autonomous laser-tag competition
Description: Construct a small robot capable of detecting and sending IR signals via the RCX's two-way IR port. The arena will be the floor of the lab and you must be able to navigate this space well enough to perform the task. That is, you should try to stay within the arena while hitting as many opponents with your IR signal as possible.  Once you have been shot three times by the same robot, you are considered dead, and become a member of that robot's zombie army. You then start shooting other robots with the same signal that killed you. Eventually, all the robots will have been overtaken by one robot's army, and that robot will be declared the winner.
Robot: LEGO Mindstorms Set
� 1 RCX per team
� Maximum number of light sensors is 2
� Maximum number of touch sensors is 1
� Maximum number of motors is 3
Playing Field:
� Large, flat area that is fenced in
� A few obstacles in the form of cans filled with sand
Scoring: Winner is the robot that successfully creates its own zombie robot army.
Note: To make it simpler, maybe we can adjust the rules so that the robot stops moving after taking 10 hits from anyone.  The winner is the last one left standing.
Proposed Events
Sign the NITRO WebBoard
Last Updated: August 19th 2004
Contact the Organizer
Frank (Tha-An) Lin
[email protected]
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