Friday nights were usually reserved for parental leisure activities...Mom liked to go dancing, Dad preferred Duplicate Bridge. But sometimes after dinner, Dad would announce,"Clean up the kitchen girls, ship-shape, we're going to the Drive-in!"

Chances were good there was a Western playing at our local Drive-in; I'd seen plenty! Dad would commence popping corn and always announced he was the "Popcorn King", because "every kernal popped." Mom would get the cooler and fill it with soda pop. This was also a treat...we we were not allowed to drink pop except for special occasions. Blankets, pillows, a batch of popcorn, the cooler packed and we were ready to go to the Drive-in ... in two cars. Two cars, you ask ? Well, once we arrived, both cars positioned next to one another, Mom and Dad would sit in Dad's car and we kids enjoyed the private use of Mom's convertible. Dad was no fool... this way he could enjoy his Western without our yaking in the backseat.

Initially, Patty and I would bicker over who sat behind the wheel (the coveted spot). I thought the other movie-goers would think I was old enough to drive. A round of "paper,stone and scissors" settled the fight. Two out of three rounds (if Patty lost the first round.) I blame myself for this, I was always gullible enough to fall for,"Let's play again, Susie, two out of three." I think I just heard the word "play." Fair was fair... the second feature we would switch seats. My Little Margie slept peacefully in the backseat.

I miss those memorable summer nights at the Drive-in. The 50's...a playground under the screen with swingsets, teeter-totters and a merry-go-round to play on before "Showtime". I guess liability was not a big concern back then.

Gone are the days of swinging under the big screen until the cartoons started followed by a race to the car. I miss the "intermission clock", "spot-lighting" the screen and the horn honking when the film broke. Several years ago Mom and I were reminiscing about those Drive-in days. She said,"You know, Honey, we didn't take two cars just because you girls would talk a lot during the movie. We would occasionally 'smooch' between the gunfights." Can you imagine that ?

NEXT: The Kitchen

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