Granny Vicki Stories

Liver Night

I can't stand liver. Never liked it, never will. I can't even stand to feel it; the slimy, slithery, brown stuff. My first association with Liver was as a child. My folks believed we MUST get our weekly source of Iron by eating Liver. I tried ketchup,gobs of ketchup! But, it just didn't hide that hideous taste. Many a night,Patty and I sat at the dinner table on "Liver Night" until bedtime "trying" to swallow that Liver. Our folks knew the,"I must go to the bathroom" trick (with a mouthful of Liver, of course). They also knew the "hide the Liver in the Napkin" trick (which never worked). To this day, they never knew of the "Granny Vicki/cohort in Liver Crime" trick.

Granny Vicki would visit us from Columbus. She was a lot of fun,played games,read to us and was generally every child's "wonderful grandma". Granny Vicki always wore a housedress covered by an apron she slipped over her head. It had really big pockets and she always had Dentene Chewing Gum in those pockets,sometimes she had other things. Pat and I would always sit on either side of Granny Vicki at the dinner table and on "Liver Night" ...well you probably guessed it, she would hide the Atrocious Liver in those large pockets of hers.

Whenever I think of Liver, I think of Granny Vicki,her wonderful pockets and The Great Liver Conspiracy.

The Jack-In-The-Box

I really don't think I was particularly unruly or mischevious as a child. My sisters and I were all Tomboys who enjoyed climbing trees, horsebackriding, playing outside 'till dusk. Summertime we had our Kool-Aid Stand or sold lemonade. The neighborhood "gang" usually put on several "big productions", a circus, a play; any excuse to display our "talents". Our Moms would provide the snacks and drinks, then we would charge them for the privilege of attending our "Andy Hardy/Mickey Rooney sort of show". We also had a "Secret Clubhouse", but unlike The Little Rascals, boys were allowed to join.

I've been told that I was quite the "jokester",even at the very young age of three, I played a trick on my dear Granny Vicki.

Yes, the story of Granny Vicki and the Jack-In-The-Box was repeated continually throughout my childhood. As the story goes, we were living in a rural area of Stowe, Ohio,back in the 50's. The home had a large yard,plenty of shade trees,a barn that housed "Poby",the pony. Well,Granny Vicki was up from Columbus for a visit. She was sitting beneath a shady tree,observing her grandchildren playing and enjoying the breezy Summer Day.

I am told I had a favorite toy...a Jack-In-The-Box. I had long since torn the clown off the spring but the music still played and it still "popped" open on cue. I walked up to Granny Vicki,placed my beloved Jack-In-The-Box in her ample lap and smiled sweetly begging her to turn the handle and make the music play. She obliged, however at the precise time the lid popped open, our tiny little kitten went flying thru the air...a projectile kitten! Somehow I had managed to stuff the little thing in the Jack-In-The-Box. Needless to say, Granny Vicki and the kitten survived the ordeal. Neither a Paramedic nor Vet was needed. Unruly? Mischevious? Nah...not me!

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