The Sentinels of Achaea

Quests and Hints.

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Quest quick jump - Click on a area name to go straight to those quests.
Ashtan - Shallam - Hashan - Ulangi - Polyargos - Rats - Azdun - Savannah
Tasur'ke - Shastaan - Belladonas Keep - Beast Lords - Jaru
El'Jazir - Thera - Miscellanious - Dun Valley - Tsol'aa

  • Kill the pheasants found in the forests of Ulangi and deliver them to the Horkvali Queen.
  • Kill Balai and take his body to Oorangu the Grook Scholar. He gives you a gem that the Horkvali General has been searching for.
  • Feed the Horkvali Larvae with honeydew and take it to Balai to experiment on. Kill the result of the experiment if you can.
  • Find the flask full of medicine (or is it poison) and return it to the Grook Hunter who has lost it and his memory.
  • To refresh the forests, the sentinel, Keeper of the Grove wishes that you bring the dead King Stag to him. His gift to you before you travel to the stag is a small wooden pendant to wear.**DIFFICULT**

  • Before traveling to the isle, find Randal the Druid who has something that cures anything. Take this cure to the Old Leppar in the leppars caverns.
  • Before traveling to the isle, kill the buffalo found in ashtan and take their bodies with you. If you are fast enough, take them to the top of the isle and give them to the dragon one at a time. Be careful though, on the last buffalo the dragon may get angry and attack you.
  • There is a Dragon harassing the Harpies. Kill him, and give his body to the Harpy Queen who will reward you for your deeds.**VERY DANGEROUS**

Kill rats which run around every city (if you can't see them type RATS) and give their bodies to the rat collectors who pay good gold for the vermin.

  • Liirup, can be found in the old section of hashan, in the south west corner of the city.
  • Ratman, can be found at the docks of ashtan, in the north west section of the city.
  • Hakhim, can be found in the medina of shallam, in the eastern section of the city.

  • The butcher to the south west of hashan needs a new cleaver that the blacksmith has made for her. Collect it from the blacksmith for 100 gold and deliver it to the butcher.
  • Find the necklace in an old house in the old section of hashan and return it to Kaethryn the Dominatrix who lost it during one of her house calls. She gives you a journal that she found which needs to be returned to its owner.
  • Teneb, the Lich of Darkness is studying Planar Physics. He seeks certain books and objects which can be found through out the continent of Sapience and its cities.**VERY INVOLVED**
  • Kill snakes and take their bodies to the shady man in the old section of hashan.
  • Get the bowl from the hut with the pots and fill it with the stew. Take the bowl and give it to the beggar.

  • Go to the orphanage and collect the lollipops found there. Search around the city and entice orphans to you with the sweets then return to the orphanage with the children and enroll them.
  • Lampe needs to find an umbrella for the absent minded Ikant. Find one and give it to Lampe.
  • The Executioner has lost his hood. Find it and return the hood to him and he will give you a backscratcher. Epicurus the city scholar is always scratching his back on a tree and you think he could use the backscratcher better than you.
  • An old seaman has lost his pet parrot reggie. Entice the parrot to you with a cracker and return it to him. For the return of the bird he gives you an ornate smoking pipe which is one of the ones Epicurus likes to collect.
  • A gaunt young artist needs some materials to finish his masterpiece. Collect the clays from the rivers and a swamp and return them to him.
  • Madame Dowager seeks revenge on Carmilla Prietta for stealing her son. Find the hair in a brush at the start of the Raphaelan Highway near delos and dig up the bone from the Prietta Mausoleum then melt the wax candle found in the orphanage to get the baby fat. Take these to the Dowager so she may seek her revenge.

  • Go to the chest near Handel and collect the candles found in there. Search around the city and entice orphans to you with the pretty gifts then return to Handel with the children and enroll them.
  • Find the blue ribbons that blow around the city and give them to the Paradise birds. The birds will either drop a ring or a golden thread. Take the ring to Rudolpho who then gives you a crystal ball. Take the thread to Winnefred the weaver who weaves it into a magical cloth.These items seem to have no return location, so classified as an UNKNOWN QUEST
  • Take the coat from the scarecrow and give it to the beggar who then gives you a bundle of herbs.**UNKNOWN QUEST**
  • Find the peanuts and give one to the elephant in the park. Take him to a big rock and say his name to get him to pick it up. Go up to the catapult station onto of the west wall of shallam where the corpral is waiting. This quest can be done as long as you have peanuts and can find rocks (about 3 times).
  • Get the kite which drifts about the city and return it to the well dressed boy near Fish Street.
  • Find the hair brush at the start of the Raphaelan Highway near delos and return it to Carmilla in the park of shallam.

  • Find the red mallet near the goblins, get it and go to the room of mirrors. Break the mirrors and say glomshaul.
  • Find the panpipes near the giant and return them to Faun in the underground forest.
  • Find the golden sickle and get the ladder from the old shed in the forest. Wait under the Old oak tree and at midnight harvest the mistletoe. Go to the couldren and put the mistletoe in then fill it with water from the spring. Fire the coals and wait for the metacure to boil.
  • Kill the six goblin zombies and get the key. Unlock the storeroom door and kill the ghoul within and get the other key. Go into the Goblin fortress and find the hidden room with the chest. Unlock the chest and get the statuette and return it to the Queen of the spiders.

  • Buy a flagon of ale and give it to the drunk in the alleyway who gives you a golden locket. Take the locket to the young woman in the Inn who gives you a note to take to her father.
  • Kill the oysters in the sea and get their pearls. Take the pearls and give them to the jeweler.

  • Take the hemp found in Oneiros' Temple and give it to the rope maker of thera who turns it into a sturdy rope. Take the rope to the blacksmith of thera who needs it for his experiment.
  • Find the carved spear in the palace of shallam and return it to the old guard in his hut. The old man is overjoyed and gives you a carved plaque which was stolen from Shanugis, the leader of the shastaans. You decide to return it to him and he thinks you look hungry so instead of executing you he gives you a bundle of fish which you then take to the old woman in her hut. She is happy that she can feed her family so she gives you a reel of vine to take to the fisherman in his hut.

  • A little girl as lost her kitten called Patches. Look for him and call his name and he should come running. Return him to her and she will give you a note to take to her father. Take the note to him and he will give you a sea shell which is of the sort that Averroes collects.
  • The priest of the local church needs the delivery of incense which has been delayed by a pelican who ate the key. Get a fish from the bucket on the docks and feed the pelican who drops the key for the tastier morsel. Unlock the chest with the incense in it and deliver it to the priest.

  • Kill foxes and give them to Eterni the Hunter of the Tomacula Village
  • Find the hunting spear in the savannah and return it to Eterni.
  • Find the Rune covered jaguar skull and return it to the Tomacula Shaman.
  • Chief Utata is seeking a very special quest.**UNKNOWN QUEST**
  • The Chiefs wife is unhappy that he no longer wants to make love with her as often as before and wants you to find out if he is cheating on her.**UNKNOWN QUEST**

  • Find the entry to the Crypt and kill the beast of the crypt (also known as Belinda) and take its body to the Mayor of thera.
  • Greet the Poultry farmer to get a rather large chicken egg. Take it to either a hatchery in the citadel of ashtan or the basilica of shallam and hatch the egg. Get the chicken and return it to the woodcutter of thera.

  • Kill and collect four treesnakes from the siroccian mountains and take them to the Gypsy woman.
  • Collect the five ores (gold, silver, iron, coal and mithril) from the siroccian mountains and take them to DeBurr the Jeweler of shallam who turns them into a magic torque. Wear the torque and meditate to increase your mana then take it to Hycanthus the wizard in the Vashnar Mountains.
  • Find the key in the siroccian mountains and dig up the chest in the same area. Get the axe from the chest and take it to Torhelm the dwarf found in the Shamotoa Hills.
  • Find the sickle in the black forest and take it to Seasone in her hut.

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