The Sentinels of Achaea

Newbie Information.

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The Sentinels Guild - Policies and Proceedures


  • Page 3 - Inguilding Policies and Proceedures
  • Page 6 - The Sentinel Teachers Outline
  • Page 7 - The Sentinel Probation System
  • Page 8 - Rules and Regulations
  • Page 9 - Harvesting
  • Page 10 - Harvesting Laws and Penalties
  • Page 11 - Annuals and Perennials
  • Page 12 - How to Fight a Forrest Fire
  • Page 13 - How to Use your Skills to Hunt
  • Page 14 - Places of Interest

1. After the prospective sentinel has requested an interview, check to see if they have completed the newbie introduction and that they are level ten.

  • a. If they haven't completed the newbie intro, and if either guide is about, ask the newbie to speak to them and request their intro be started over.
  • b. If the guides aren't about, ask the newbie if he or she would like to wait until a guide is about, or ask if they would consider suiciding to start over, and offer to hold what possessions they may have.
  • If they have not reached level 10, Point out the following help files 'HELP BUTTERFLIES' and 'HELP MINIA' and answer any questions they may have about them. Tell them they may ask for another interview when they have reached level 10.

2. Once the above has been take care of, ask the newbie to re-read HELP SENTINELS, HELP METAMORPHOSIS, HELP WOODLORE and HELP CONCOCTIONS.

3. Alert the guild to the pending interview, and ask that anyone over guild rank 5 and interested in attending please do, and also get a small selection of questions to ask at the end of your questions (if not already asked).

4. Wait until all who expressed their interest in attending have arrived and then proceed with the interview. Be sure that the newbie gives you full answers (2 sentances to a paragraph) and be sure to answer any questions they may have.

5. If satisfied that they will be a good sentinel, tell them that there are some rules that need to be followed, some as a newbie and some ALL the time.

  • NO KILLING, ATTACKING or THREATENING etc of your guild mates. Acts like that are punishable by being outguilded.
  • Absolutely No Player Killing is allowed while on probation, this includes sparring. Only FFA's are allowed. Breaking this rule is punishible with outguilding.
  • They are required to learn Metamorphosis until they get Hyena, Fitness to Novice, and Woodlore to Barkskin. In that order.They are not permitted to learn Concoctions until they have passed the probation test and have the Survival skill, Perceive.

6. Take the Newbie to vixen. Ask them to read page 7 and 8 of the journal located in the trees. Once they have read this, ask them a few questions concerning the probation requirements and rules, to make certain they fully understand.

7. Once a person has passed the initial interview, they must swear this Oath-- I swear to defend the Forest and my Guildmates,with my life if necessary.

8. If they agree to the Sentinel Probation Regulations and Rules, and have sworn the Sentinel Oath, you may inguild them.

9. See that the new sentinel is equipped with a backpack, pocketbelt, at least 10 myrrh, and some basic healing supplies if you can afford it and make sure that he or she knows how to use all these things. If you can mentor and are willing and able to take on a new protege, explain to them the purpose of a mentor and offer to be their mentor. If you cannot be their mentor please point them to the MENTOR SITE at this address

10. Now Teach them their skills! If you are trans, or have to go, see if anyone else is interested in teaching. If not, take the new sentinel to meet Vixen.

1. Make sure the new memeber eats myrrh and understands why they need to do this.

2. Make sure they understand the commands to learn. Do NOT use the command 'TEACH {PERSON} {SKILL}' and instead make sure they use the command 'LEARN {SKILL} FROM {TEACHER}' also make sure the understand that Vixen can teach.

3. Tell them the directions to Vixen. Vixen can be found in the city of Eleusis, Home of the Sentinels. From the Entrance to Minia (Vellis/Ivy covered archway): s, se, 2e, 2se, ne, e, ne, n, se, 3e, 2se, 3e, swim sw, swim s, s, se, e, se, s, sw, s, u, u, e, ne, se, 6e, d, nw, ne, e, n.

4. Point out the following help files. 'HELP NEWS', 'HELP DEATH', 'HELP BUTTERFLIES', 'HELP MINIA'

5. After the new member reaches the level of Hyena, teach them how to morph and use the command 'POWERS'. Also teach them how find out what a power does. Perhaps by telling to check their powers and use the command 'AB METAMORPHOSIS {POWER}'

6. After the new member reaches the level of Hyena (wolf if you think you are they may have to leave before hyena is reached) teach them how to morph and use the command 'POWERS'. Also teach them how find out what a power does. Perhaps by telling to check thier powers and use the command 'AB METAMORPHOSIS {POWER}' on fitness and then use the power. (If you can only get them to wolf use howl instead of fitness)

7. After finishing the teaching and all lessons are gone. Direct them to go to Minia and go NorthEast from the archway and follow the road to the pixie village. Tell them pixies taste really good and that the imp Lord pays for the corpses. At this point agian remind them of 'HELP MINIA'. It would also be wise to tell them that in order to give pixie corpse they will need to find out the Imp Lords number. Tell then to use 'INFO HERE'

Welcome Sentinel Cub, in order to become a full member of the sentinels you must:

1. Reach level 21.

2. Have an understanding of the workings of packs and pocketbelts.

3. You must have the harvest laws listed within the pages of your journal.

4. You must be able to walk around the land. Finding areas such as Delos, North of Thera (NoT), Hashan, Shallam, Ashtan, The Hanging Tree where Vixen resides.

5. You must have the tools needed to heal yourself including at least 10 of all the herbs listed on HELP HEALINGLIST and the the following vials: health, mending, caloric, epidermal, mana and immunity.

6. You must also have the skills of Hyena in Metamorphosis, Novice in Fitness, and Barkskin in Woodlore.

7. A good, personal description is required. (HELP 4.12).

8. It is also required that you have a mentor (HELP MENTOR). A helpful site for finding a mentor is at this address

When you are sure you have all of these skills and supplies ask on GT if you may do your probation test. The tester will give you a final interview. This interview will be much more indepth than your first interview.

During your time of probation you may not receive any guildfavours unless it is from guild leadership and for a reason above and beyond normal reasons.

You may NOT learn Concoctions until you are off probation and have the skill of Perceive in Survival.

It should also be noted that you must complete the probation system by level 25 or age 25 whichever comes first or you will be Outguilded. We feel that someone that does not finish in this time does not have the devotion it requires to become a full member.

1. No player killing on Probation, including Sparring. FFA's are allowed. Punishment for this offense is Outguilding.

2. NO KILLING, ATTACKING or THREATENING etc of your guild mates. Acts like that are punishable by being outguilded.

3. You are to learn METAMORHOSIS to the skill HYENA and then FITNESS to NOVICE, and WOODLORE to BARKSKIN. They must be learned in this order. No exceptions. You are not permitted to learn Concoctions until you have passed the Probation Test and have the skill of PERCEIVE in SURVIVAL.

4. You must never, ever over harvest.

5. You must have a mentor (HELP MENTOR).

6. Do NOT harvest in the temple of Gaia or in the Guild hall.

7. Traps are not to be laid in any city. We have worked out agreements with each city over this, and it will be an enemying offense at the cities discretion, and a disciplinary offense at our discretion. If you find a trap in a city, notify a Guardian about it with the location.

8. Traps are not to be laid on the highways, except by the War Department.

9. Traps laid by the War Department or the Guild Master are not to be dismantled except by them.

10. Traps are not to be laid in Eleusis or the Guildhall except by the Guild Master or the War Department.

11. You must complete the Probation system by level 25 or age 25, whichever comes first, or you will be OUTGUILDED.

Type PERCEIVE to see if this is someone elses grove. You may not harvest from someone elses grove without his/her permission. If it is an unimprinted grove or you have permission from the owner to harvest, type PLANTS, this gives you the number of plants available for you to harvest.

(A) annuals are not to be harvested BELOW 5
(B) perrenials are not to be harvested BELOW 15

If all these requirements are met then you may HARVEST plant. You may harvest any plant in your AB CONCOCTIONS list to the limits specified.

If you find somewhere which has been overharvested (below the numbers listed above) alert a higher guild member, they will be able see who overharvested, report it to the proper authorities, and if possible replant. If no one is available, message a report of what was overharvested and the room name to any of the people listed in HELP SENTINELS or HELP OAKSTONE.

The penalties for overharvesting are:
You will be charged 1000 gold. 500 of which will be given to the Sentinels and 500 to Gaia's order. If this kind of action continues after warnings and fines you will be enemied from Oakstone which will take away your ability to harvest and you will be attacked everytime you try to enter the forest


Annuals are plants that grow to full growth once a year. They can only be harvested down to the limit of 5.

They include Kola, Elm, Myrrh, Ash, Sileris, Pear, Hawthorn, and Bayberry


Perennials are plants that grow continuously. They can only be harvested down to the limit of 15.

The include Ginseng, Echinacea (also known as Purple Coneflower), kuzu, ginger, lobelia, skullcap, valerian, goldenseal, ladys slipper, bloodroot, moss, kelp, cohosh, bellwort and weed.

Anyone who has the ability to morph into an Icewyrm are able to put fires out by using FREEZE GROUND.

Also anyone with DOUSING in survival will be conscripted to help put fires out and those of you with treading or higher and can't douse, will be water bearers, filling up empties and passing them on to dousers, and taking empties in return.

When fighting a fire, it is best to work in teams, with one or two people in a river or source of water for people who can track to use as a beacon to have buckets refilled and to have a group scouting the forrest that is burning to find more outbreaks and be able to fight them.

Now that you have joined the sentinels (welcome by the way) and you have learnt everything you need to know to get you around as a newbie and been outfitted with the bare essentiels, its time to learn how to hunt and where to go for the best hunting.

Now first, you need to know how to MORPH into your best attacking morph which should be hyena. you do this by typing MORPH HYENA. Once you have joined with the spirit, type POWERS to see what skills you have under that morph, which should include things like CLAW and NIGHTSIGHT

Situated SOUTH of PORTALS is the newbie land of Minia. You can GREET VELLIS to receive a butterfly net from him to catch the various butterflies that flit about and receive gold when you return the net to him (containing butterflies)

Head from Vellis NorthEast to get to the Pixie Village, one of the most popular spots to hunt for the 5th to 10th circle of learning and, if you are all set with a few tattoos and a vial of health elixir you can C LAW PIXIE to kill the little critters. Don't forget to pick up the corpses as the Imp Lord pays well for their bodies and Stay away from the Pixie Queen as she is hard to kill.

From the 10th to the 20th circle of learning its to the Ember Tower and Libria Dungeon to wreck havoc upon the Imps, Hellcats, Kobolds and Firesprites. Don't forget to collect the imp corpses to take back to the Pixie Queen for your reward. a nice way to earn gold and experience.

Also after the 10th circle, you can explore the Lodi Vally situated DOWN from PORTALS, filled with quests for you to do, there are lots of things to kill here, ranging from bats to wildcats and sheep.

And remember, if you ever need help, just ask on the guild channel.

Many sentinels have taken the time to create websites filled with all sorts of infomation. Although it is to much to list all of them I will list a few that contain some of the best infomation for newbies and links to all the rest.

Perseon's site -

Nita's site -

Oswalds Site #1 -

Madenas Site -

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