SimTurtles FAQ
Why is the word 'Sim' sometimes a prefix of one of the turtle's names?

When the word 'sim' is before the character's name, then I'm referring to the little computer game figure. For example: 'Raphael' would be referring to the actual turtle, while 'SimRaphael' would be referring to the little computer dude that Don is mucking around with.
Do you know that there are actual TMNT skins?

Yes I do, though I will not download them. I have downloaded skins before, but I must have picked up a bug somewhere, as now when I flick through the bodies and heads, the game will cut off past a certain outfit. This is a problem as there is a small number of skins that I can still use. I've decided not to download anymore as I'm scared that it might wreck my game further.
Why does Don only have Sim's Livin' Large, House Party and Unleashed as expansion packs?

Simple. I don't own the other ones, and I don't plan on buying anymore either. I do own Hot Date, but it is faulty and it only works with the prebuilt households like the Goths. So I wiped Hot Date off my computer. It makes it easier for me to write about the expansion packs that I own.
Can you really get zombie pets on the Sims Unleashed?

You sure can! I was feeling sadistic one day, so I created a 'house of the damned', where I would on purposely trap and kill my sims off in a house. Anyway, using the 'move items on' cheat, I placed the neighbours cat, which had come over to visit, into the doomed household to see what would happen. A fire started and the cat caught on fire. Feeling sorry for it, I got a sim to beg for it's life, and it got reborn as a zombie! So yes, you can!

Later on the cat caught on fire again, and it died. So you can also kill off your neighbour's pet as well!
Do you plan on making a sequel?

No, I don't... not using The Sims anyway. I might make another fic with a similar sort of situation with the turtles competing through the use of a game, but it would be done through another media like Playstation or something. I might call it a sequel, but it won't really make much of a reference to the first one.

Update! The fanfic 'The Right Guy' can be considered to be the sequel to 'SimTurtles'. Although there is little reference to the Sim games, the sequel does continue on with the idea of the boys fighting over Venus... and a Playstation game!
I don't understand this story.

Personally I think this is a hard story to understand, which is why I said in the description that it is for Sim fans. I think you'll have a really rough read if you haven't played the game before.
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