Shiori Shuurajou


Shiori's family came from Vietnam.  They were a moderately well-off family because her Mother and Father were mortal servants to Malaikat's children working and living in Vietnam.  Her grandparents lived in the United States, and they also worked for Malaikat Shuurajou.  Her entire Family line, dating back to 1700 have all been loyal subjects to the Clan Shuurajou. 

In 1975, Shiori's parents were killed when the North Vietnamese overran the South.  Shiori, then five years of age, was found by her parents friends and fellow Shuurajou subjects, still inside her room in their burning home.  She was sent to the U.S. to stay with her Grandparents.  As she grew, her Grandparents taught her to respect the Shuurajou and to almost revere the creatures that they were.  Shiori's entire academic career was supplied and paid for by the Shuurajou Clan.  When she was nineteen, she began work at Shuuken Corporation, and rose quickly through the tough, competitive corporate ranks.  In 1990, at twenty years of age, because of her success with the corporation, Malaikat Shuurajou Embraced Shiori.  She was then moved into Malaysia to work abroad for the Clan.

Shiori adores her sire, and her sister, Aiji.  Still stuck in the ways of a mortal servant, she reveres her beloved Clan.  Loyal and studious, she has never failed in any of the tasks that Aiji or Malaikat have assigned to her, and promises herself that she never will.  Even after ten years, Shiori is still working to prove herself and make a place in the Shuurajou clan.  This is not because she feels she does not have a place, but because she must prove to herself that she does.

Her manners are always soft and gentle, and she moves like a silent breeze, so inconspicous that you could miss her if you don't look quickly enough.  Petite and slim, she walks as if the ground is made of air, barely disturbing the forces that move around her. Her beauty is timeless.

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