Setsuna Shuurajou

Setsuna is not the meek, obedient child that Malaikat first embraced.  Nor is she loud or disrespectful. Setsuna speaks her mind, on any clan or city matter, to her Sire.  She is not afraid to challenge Kat's, or the Council's ideas, and loves to get into verbal debates with her Sire.  Malaikat, though she is not quick to admit it, enjoys her precocious childe's thoughts and idea's.

Taking an active part in Shuuken Corp., Setsuna sought to have the company branch off into the entertainment business, an arena usually reserved respectively for the Hemithanes.  With no fear, but very mindful of the consequences should she trip up, Setsuna invaded the Hemithanes holdings and took a measure of control with Malaikat's silent blessing.

She is very much a social butterfly amongst the human inhabitants of New York.  She cultivates influence and control over the kine's media, police, politics, health and medicine, industry, finance, transportation and even over the church.  The Inquisition, she created in order to rid the Shuurajou of a few pesky Kindred elders trying to destroy her Clan.  

Setsuna prefers operating through the media and business corporations instead of war in the streets.  After all, it is much easier to take down your company and leave you penniless than to contract killers and go through that whole messy process.  This is what makes her so dangerous to tangle with.

Trained personally by Tansei in all martial arts, and a few that he created himself, Setsuna does not usually engage in battle, but she has never been beaten when she has.

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