Zilla Di Nerezza

Zilla had come from a family of Watchers living in France in 1203.  Her family was closely associated with the now-gone Ormond Watchers.  When Zilla was eighteen her family was murdered by a group of hunting vampires, leaving only Zilla and her younger sister alive.  Zilla's sister was too young to become a Watcher, and became easy prey for the Andrasta clan.  After her sister was killed by the Andrasta's, Zilla became a Watcher.  She met Miklos in 1220 while still in the Watchers.  She had been unaware that she was an Immortal, and was giving off a Pre-Immortal 'buzz'.  She met her first death in England, when she was beaten to death by a group of vampires and left for dead.  After she woke, Miklos was there to teach her about what she was.  Zilla was always wary of taking Immortal heads, but knew that she needed to if she were to become strong enough to stay in the game.  Now, Zilla only kills when she is challenged while Miklos actively looks for fights.

When Miklos left the Watchers abruptly, Zilla was more pissed than sad.  Angry that he had left her behind with the Watchers.  So, shortly after he left, Zilla followed in his footsteps, searching for him.  After a few years she stopped her searching in order to explore the world.  She met with Thera Di Nerezza a long while afterwards, and instantly took a liking to the vicious young woman, and they quickly became friends.  After her initial introduction to Canio and Elena, Zilla became like family.  Supplying the Di Nerezza's with information in exchange for protection and living expenses. She took on the family name as a show of respect and loyalty.   Only when she had stopped searching for Miklos did she meet with him again.  Upon meeting, she grabbed him in a fierce hug, and then promptly stabbed him to death.  When he woke she was smiling over him, a smug expression on her beautiful face.

After some goading from Miklos, Zilla allowed herself to be dragged into the Arena, and found that she liked the bloody sport.  Against Miklos' judgment, and ranting, Zilla began to fight in the Arena, becoming one 
of the longest living, and unbeatable, players.

Zilla brought a new aspect to The Arena, recruiting the winning fighters as assassins, and slowly built up her own network of killers around the world.  She now owns the best assassins residing in the city.  She works for Vampires and Watcher's alike.  As long as they have the right price, Zilla could care less what species you are.

She also does her part for the Arena by recruiting humans and Immortals to join the games, offering them a life of luxury to fight.She and Miklos made fortunes enough for three lifetimes in Los Angeles.  But their happiness was not to last, especially with the appearance of the Andrasta coming into the city and the wars between her clan and Miklos'.

She and Miklos remained nuetral throughout, until the day Miklos was reported dead.  His head had been taken by a pair of Di Nerezza enforcers.  Zilla took only a small solace in the fact that the Quickening destroyed the vampires.  Blinded by her rage and hatred, for Miklos was, and had been, her life since she 'died' and woke again, she joined leagues with the Watchers Council briefly.  Her part was small, but it was vital.  She betrayed Francesca Di Nerezza, the Clans lovely daughter, to the Council by luring her with friendship.

The results were disatrous.  Canio Di Nerezza, in a rage, took down the L.A. based Arena, burying Zilla beneath the rubble.  She survived and left L.A. before she knew of the virus.  In New York, she rebuilt another Arena and has just recently re-opened it, trying to forget L.A. and all that happened there.  But that is not to be with the arrival of the L.A. Clans to her home, New York.

Whether she is looking for another home clan or joining the side of 'good' not even Zilla knows.  She will bide her time, and hope that the clans are too occupied to turn a vengeful eye her way.

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