Izabena Hemithanes


Childe of the Hemithanes Clan, Iza is not only devastatingly beautiful, she is powerful as well. Born in 600 A.D., Iza can say without a trace of arrogance, that she is a part of the few Hemithanes that actually survived more than a few thousand years of life as a vampire. But, despite this lofty position, there is a stain on her suit of armor, and it begins with her Sire, her very bloodline. Iza is a Spaniard, but spent all of her young life in Italy, where she was quickly becoming the newest gem according to the theatre-lovers in Europe. Her Sire was a young lord, of the Hemithane's clan, but also an outcast of his own Clan. He wasn't..."good"... enough for the Hemithanes. He knew that Iza was and sought to redeem himself through her. His Clan wasn't impressed, and heraled Iza as a blight on their perfect reputation. But, her beauty was far too great to be destroyed. Her sire, on the other hand, was quickly disposed of and Iza adopted into the Clan. There was never a night that she was not reminded of her Sire, and her bloodline. Iza smiled a perfect smile that any Hemithane would be proud of, and held her head high in their faces. It was the most infuriating thing to them.

Iza settled in Venice. There, she became a courtesan, and finally met with Alexander Therion years later. Like a foolish human, she lost her heart to the warrior, and has regretted letting her gaurd down since that day. Regret has not stopped her from wanting him, an emotion she firmly believes is because of her desires for the flesh, and for someone who can manipulate her own as well as she can.

Moving into the U.S. she met Delilah Hemithanes. The Hemithane Queen had already known the secret of Iza's "birth" and was planning on using it against her. Desperate to keep such a stain from the Kindred at large, Iza made a deal with Delilah. Both women knew the kind of fame that Iza could bring to the Hemithanes Clans, but not if there was a blot on her perfect features. Iza took it into her hands to rid Europe of that particular group of Hemithanes, as they were the only one's besides Delilah who knew of the particulars of her Embrace. After all, they were well-known, and Delilah couldn't have some European clan spoken better of than her own. And then Iza promptly arranged it so that all blame fell to Delilah Hemithanes, rather than herself. Killing your own kind, a sin punishable by death. Of course, this secret is something that is kept between the two women. No one else need know, and they both like to keep it that way.

In 1980, an influx of Kindred seeking to buy property in the entertainment area besieged New York, as well as those clanless who sought to establish positions through entertainment of the Kine population (i.e. raves, clubs, ect.) This turned the city on it's axis, as there were Caitiff rallies being held in full view of Kine, raucous Therion parties that violated the sanctity of the Masquerade in New York, ect. Socially, it was chaos, and the Hemithanes were directly at the center of it.

Lillith couldn't very well deny them, but she could restrict their movements to keep them out of the eye of the Hunters. Iza was offered the coveted position (by Hemithanes at least) as Keeper of Elysium. There is no higher social status in Kindred society than this one, and it brought Iza up through the ranks of her Clan quickly. Her tainted "birth" no longer mattered, she had ascended beyond that, much to the fury of Delilah Hemithanes, as Iza was practicaly untouchable. Social ruin, for this Spanish Hemithane, was now a thing of the past.

With this position, she is the number one authority, entertainment-wise in the New York. If the Therion want to hold an open forum on Kindred politics, it must be cleared with Iza. If the Hemithanes want to open an new art exihibit to both Kine and Kindred, Iza is the woman to see. She is, in affect, the social manager of New York. She can make or break a vampire with the right words, socially at least. And for most of the clans in the city, social status is something to be maintained if one is to survive in the kine world, as more and more are being forced to do.

She loves to dance, but, well, the men love to watch her dance far more than she loves dancing. Iza longs for attention, and acquires it through her voice. Her sultry singing melts the hearts men and women alike, and even the slightest hum puts humans in a trance. Iza doesn't feel the need for arogance, for she already knows her place. She also knows that someone could take it from her, and she wants to avoid confrontation. Fighting is tedious, and she doesn't like to have her hair mussed.

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