Ethan Hemithanes


A wealthy English lord during the early eighteenth century, Ethan was a cold, callous man and handled all matters the two ways he knew best: chivalry and a hefty shove out of a high window, not always in that order. He was respected because of his money and the amount of power that inevitably came along with it, and he more than took advantage of this fact.

It was at a city official's Christmas celebration that he met Delilah Hemithanes and was smitten. She was mystery personified in a blue silk gown and stood out noticibly from the other upper crust ladies whom were attending. At first Delilah had intended to make a quick meal of him, but changed her mind when she saw him lose his temper and brutally beat a young serving boy for accidently spilling a wine flute at his feet, leaving him unconcious and barely breathing. The vampiress was impressed and quite pleased, and decide it was better not to let such anger go to waste. That night, she lured him into her bed and into a world of eternal life, with no complaints on either count.

Before he was sired, Ethan was already the walking definition of what the Hemithanes are rumored to be; well-bred, charismatic, arrogant, volatile and short-tempered. If nothing else, those traits have doubled since he became a vampire, and then some. A "monster in a tailored suit" is how many have described the Englishman, much to his amusement and Delilah's delight.

While he does appreciate the more "creative" ways other clan members handle victims, Ethan prefers a more direct approach when hunting -- attack, shred, eat. He doesn't "play with his food," finding it pointless and a waste of time to so much as ask a potential meal their name. Hearing them scream is more than satifying for him. He will never understand why so many of their kind seem to care what to call their dinner.

One thing is clear, that Ethan holds little trust and respect for the other clans currently populating New York, least of all for the California natives, but does well to hide this fact as to not disgrace his family. He also disapproves of Delilah's newfound interest in Canio Di Nerezza, and does not hesitate in saying so. With the occassional exception of Delilah, he isn't especially close to any of his clan members, preferring to keep them, as well as everyone else, at a distance.

Ethan is one of the clan's most cunning killers and is a calculated thinker, vicious and endlessly clever. As much as he values his clan, he holds himself first and foremost, and rarely are there exceptions. If he felt that his sire and leader or anyone in the family were threatened in any way, Ethan would do what he could to protect them, of course, but when he comes down to it, he's all about survival -- his own.


Ethan is a tall, elegant man with a lithe, muscled build, light brown hair lined with grey and intense hazel eyes that can either seduce or burn a hole through you. He speaks in a low, almost soothing baritone with a still audible upperclass London accent, and carries an air of confidence around him that can attract human and Kindred alike. He dresses in the finest clothes and has exquisite taste in everything from wine to women, and spares no expense if it means recieving the best.

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