Tobias Di Nerezza


An Irish gangster with a passion for cutting up people with a carving knife, Tobias Kelly was raised in the slums of both Ireland and America. An abusive Father and dead Mother promised a life of cruelty, and the criminal element in the U.S. guaranteed contacts in a future of illegal activity. Living in New York, he quickly met up with Sofia DiNerezza. A quick one night stand for connections ended up becoming a few months. The relationship, while volatile on even it's best days, was broken off after only four weeks, but the business deals they had set up went on for the next few years, until Tobias was a solid part of Sofia's business, and pretty soon, a childe.

Popular with the Hemithanes, and respected by the Therion for his skill, the human was able to live easily within his own world, and the world of the Kindred. Sofia Embraced him: the particulars of that night or how it came to be are insignificant. She shared the evil that seemed to grow inside of him, gloried in his hunts, bathed in the path of pain he swathed across the city of New York. She is his Sire, for Eternity. But he is anything but the obediant Childe.

She taught him to kill, to hunt, and to play. In return, he wormed his way into her defenses and played upon those emotions she kept so tightly hidden. This is perhaps the single reason why they are each others greatest enemies, and greatest allies. He is a schemer, with interchangeable moods and facets that make him very dangerous to those who do not know him. He has a bad temper, and even worse disposition, either drunk or sober. Doesn't matter who you are, if you get in his way, one or both of you are gonna go down in a fight.

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