Francesca Deveraux Di Nerezza


Born Francesca Creed Deveraux, she was the illegitimate daughter of the infamous Watcher Creed Deveraux and his now deceased mistress, Francesca d'Avignon. Hidden away most of her early life, Creed managed to keep her very existence unknown to the Kindred world. Recklessly coming to LA brought her to her long rumored Family, including her eldest siblings, Jordanna and Cole, her youngest sister Leigh, her cousin and even her Immortal grandmother, Dorrain.

But her arrival sparked an interest in the Di Nerezza King, and it wasn't long before she was pulled into their world, embraced by Canio and his then fiance Antonia De Lancret and used as a pawn to torment Jordan. Her embrace was not forced, rather it was a decision she made out of some convoluted sense of honor and want to protect her siblings. But, upon the night of her Embrace, the force of her demon overrode such notions, and Francesca realized she was in it for the power, and the blood, and for a Family that wasn't completely dysfunctional. As a favored daughter and Di Nerezza Princess, it didn't take long for Francesca to start throwing off the shackles of her human roots. It started with her human sisters. Jordanna and Leigh represented everything she used to be, and some vulnerable, unblemished part of her still yearned for that even after her embrace. Her demon rebelled against it, turning those feelings into hate and loathing, making her think herself week with human emotions. The only way Francesca can get past it is to eliminate everything she used to be, and everyone who defined Francesca Deveraux.

The prophecy of the Triumvirate sparked an interest in the demoness, and a craving for power that drove her to try and destroy the last ties to her mortal Family, namely Jordanna Deveraux. But, to Fran's dismay, Jordan was saved from death by the Priscus. The drama didn't stop there, as the Council's interest in the Triumvirate grew.

Francesca was tricked by the Immortal, Zilla Di Nerezza, and captured by the Council. They, along with Bronic MacNessa's daughter, Shannon, tried to restore a soul to Francesca's body and attempted to harness and gentle the demon dwelling within her in order to have their own piece of the Triumvirate. They only succeeded in heightening her bloodlust. Unfortunately for them, they also tapped into the power of the Triumvirate running through her blood, bringing the destructive forces to the fore. This coupled with her on and off, erratic behavior, sparks fear in even the elders of her race.

A true demon, Francesca has thrown off all human vestiges of her former self, dedicated now to the Kill and her Clan.

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