Bella Luna


Full Name: Bellanca Innocenza Luna-Di Nerezza

Bellanca, called Bella by her mother and father, is the second twin born to Julian Luna and Catherine Di Nerezza.  Because of circumstances that threatened their security in Los Angeles, Bella's Father had his wife (then pregnant) sent to his city, San Francisco, until the danger passed.  When things did not get better, Catherine moved to Italy at Julian's request, taking her two twins with her.

Bella grew up in a large villa in Rome, surrounded by loving maids and an adoring mother.  She was the apple of her parents eye.  She took her Father's commanding presence and business mind and her Mother's gentle nature up util age six, when, as all children do, she ran wild as any toddler.  The first time she even saw her Father in person instead of in her mother's mind and memories, Bella was seventeen years old.  She recognized him instantly.

Because things in L.A. had calmed down considerably, but not enough to suit Julian, they were taken to live in her Father's mansion in San Francisco. Bella ruled the San Francisco streets as daughter to the cities ruler, and garnered her own following of Caitiff's of the younger generation.  This, of course, made her Father extremely proud, seeing as how he plans to leave the city in her hands one day.

The urgent outbreak sent Bella's Father back to L.A. and the Clan.  Bella followed him of her own accord, even though he expressly forbid it.  It was the first time she had met any of her Family, and she was forced to watch some of them struggle against this terrible disease. When the decision was made to move to New York, Julian tried to get Bella on the first flight with the other young one's.  She refused, staying by her Father's side.

Bella adores her Father and her Mother and would do anything for them.  Though she thinks them mushy at times, she admires the eternal love they share.

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