Stephanie Delano


Stephanie Delano started her mortal life as a French noblewoman in the 1600's. At the age of 17 she was wed in a diplomatic marriage to a Prince of England. She was overjoyed at the match at first because she had met him and his was quite handsome. But, on their wedding night she found out that he was a homosexual, she was furious.

Her parents, being good Catholics refused to let her divorce. So, to spite her husband and both their families she began a string of torrid affairs with many men. She also spent half of his fortune on clothes, jewelry, fine wines and other things as she pleased. After four and a half years of marriage of marriage the young prince 'fell' out of a window. No foul play was ever discovered, thought Stephanie has never denied doing it. Two years after her husband's death Stephanie became involved with a noble, not knowing what he truly was. The man's name was De La Nuit. After several months of sleeping with her he saw her true nature, evil and sadistic, and embraced her into the Kindred world. Stephanie embraced her new life and relishes every moment of it.

She lived in Europe for centuries on her own, until she heard that her clan, now called Delano, was moving to New York. She quickly convinced her newest conquest, a wealthy businessman to take her on a trip to America. She killed the man in an airport and started to search for her clanspeople.

She now serves her Clan without question. Her specialty is seducing the wealthy out of their money for clan use. Her looks take her a long way with many people and vampires alike that she meets. Her long dark hair, cherry red lips and dark eyes are striking against her pale complexion. Stephanie has a bad habit of playing with her food. But, then again her clan does usually get something out of it, money or property perhaps, but any trinkets or baubles are always Stephanie's to keep.

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