Sarae Andrasta

Sarae is every vampire's nightmare. A powerful mind-reader with a taste for Diablerie. Dreaded more than the sun by some elders, Sarae gained her reputation, her power, her very soul, through feeding on vampires as Kindred would on mortals.

She was a mortal blood doll at seventeen at the Couches. Not a favorite, but not a cast-off, Sarae had her share of regulars from the Therion. And some of them, when she was 'good', let her take a sip of their vitae, enhancing her already uninhibited body and emotions, but giving them a high as well.

After the third time, Sarae was addicted to the taste of the Kindred blood. Her body grew stronger, her skin paler, harder to the touch each night she continued to drink from her Therion lovers. Until one night she didn't take a sip. She drank deeply and did not stop. According to Kindred Lore, after the blood is taken, if one continues to suck, then the soul is withdrawn as well. Vampiric souls are tenacious, and the Therions' was even more so, clinging to Sarae's very alive body. This has only happened a few times, and Sarae is one of those rare cases.

As the Therion began to decay immediately, the Demon inside Sarae propelled her out of the club and into the streets of New York. Violaine Andrasta plucked her from Alexander Therion's avenging hands in the nick of time. Sharing blood with Violaine brought out the violent instincts in Sarae even more than the Therion's soul did. In addition to the honed military and fighting instinct that she had gained from the Therion through Diablerie, Violaine's Andrasta blood added an edge of destruction to her precision killing.  

Despised by the Therion, who still wish a chance at her for their fallen kinsmen, Sarae is a very valuable target, and the price over her head is enormous. You can imagine the fury of the Therion knowing that she is under their noses in their own city, walking their streets, without a worry because her sire is in tight with the Council.

Sarae is arrogant, and this is the least of her - some would say unsavory - qualities. She may not have been Embraced, but she is a token vampire, with all the desires, passions, and impulses that come with that ticket.

Slim in stature, Sarae looks as if a stiff breeze could knock her over. A pretty face with shocking jade eyes, Sarae has a teasing kind of beauty.

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