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JPC Top 30

Ranting Rattata - The place where the truth is told about PokeWebmasters
Win An Award

To win this award-
1 you must have a site that is mostly about pokemon, have a few pics, etc.

To win this award-
1. you must have a site that is totally about pokemon, have a few pics, pokedex, links, etc.
To win this award-
1 you must have a site that is totally about pokemon, have a fair amount of pics, pokedex, links, adopt a pokemon etc.
2. You must have a link to my site on your page (please on your links page or main page!)
3. You must have a nice layout.

To win this award-
1 you must have a site that is totally about pokemon, have a lot of pics, pokedex w/ pics, links, adopt a pokemon, neat banner, cheats, and a littole of info on the games.
2. You must have a link to my site on your page and it MUST be one of my banners or buttons (click here)(please on your links page or main page!)
3. you must have a nice layout, using either frames or tables, or the site just must look nice.
4. You must have nice colors/backgrounds.
5. No clutter! Topsites and affiliates must be organized! No huge topsite buttons please unless you have a topsite page!
6. You must have at least 50 hits. Good sites are not always popular!

Bronze Award Winners-
Pikachu325 Trading Card Game
Fer's Pokemon Web Site
Pokemon Farm (in spanish)
The Pokemon Palace
Silver Award Winners- Pokemon By Abigail (in spanish)
Gold Award Winners- none
Platium Award winners- pokemon By Abigail(in spanish)
Pikachu's Thunder
If you see anyone with a award that they shouldn't have, notify me!
To get an award fill out the form!
What is your name?

What is your site's Url?

E-mail address?

What's your banner's Url?

You May request your site to be reviewed again but only after you have recived your first award
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