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Ranting Rattata - The place where the truth is told about PokeWebmasters
There are a few things that the editors of the pokemon show and movie missed.

Poke-blooper1- In Pokemon- The First Movie when the other trainers were showing Ash their pokemon, one trainer said "I flew here on Pidgeyotto." But the pokemon he was talking about was a Pidgeot!

Poke-blooper 2-In the episode when Ash battled aginst Janette during the Pokemon League, when Officer Jenny saw Team Rocket's balloon, she said go, Arcanine, but it was a growlithe!

Poke-blooper 3- During the episode when Magmar� & Charizard save Cinnibar Island from the volcano, Misty chases Psyduck and Ash chases Jigglypuff. How did Jigglypuff get in?

Poke-blooper 4-In the episode where Ash fights Richie in the Pokemon League, Ash has his Pikachu out after beating Butterfree. Then Richie says, "I'll have to fight fire with fire. Zippo, go!" And he sends out Charmander. Pikachu isn't a fire type!
Sent by Dratini of Dratini's Hidden Lake

Poke- Bloopers 5-7 were found at http://www.maxpages.com/vaporeonsvault/screw_ups

Poke-blooper 5-When Team Rocket is looking at the screen above the Clone Machine as all of Mewtwo's Pokeballs are going in the first pokemon that appears on the screen is Scyther, but when Team Rocket sees that picture they say, "There goes, Alakazam."

Poke-Blooper 6- After the first mistake listed above, as Meowth is watching the already cloned Pokemon going down the tubes he says,"Sandshrew, Nidoqueen, Vaporeon, but me, I got a special place in my tail for this one." Sandshrew wasn't the one who came down the tube, it was Sandslash.

Poke- Blooper 7- When everybody is riding there Pokemon to New Island in the storm, after the harbor manager(The woman with the accent) says, "...That's what sets them apart and will make them pokemon masters." Right after she says that they show the on kid riding gyarados, another kid riding Dewgong, and...a kid riding on Fearow. When that kid left the harbor he was riding a Pidgeot.

Poke-blooper 8- In the episode where some director wants to make a pokemon movie he says that he has won the golden growlith award but the statue behind him is an arcanine.
Sent by BrendanCD

Send any other poke-bloopers you have found to [email protected] Oh, and if you don't want me to put a link to your email on the page just tell me.
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