My Progress Log PROGRESS LOG WEEK ONE – AUGUST 30, 2000 This week I got acquaint with the website and all of the assignments and goal for this course. I explored the links and how to used the homepage geocities. I learned how to start my own web page and began designing my page. By the end of the class I was able to add a link to my page. FOCUS QUESTIONS - CHAPTER ONE
1. In what ways can basic technology standards and profiles be used to plan for technology integration at all levels of education? Basic technology standards and profiles can be used to plan for technology integration at all levels in education by getting the students at all levels computer awareness, or any other tool/instrument used in the classroom. Being able to operate, if only on the basic level, will open the doors for the students to one, learn on their own how to expand their knowledge. And secondly, the students will be able to use their basic knowledge to do another of programs that work hand-in-hand with the lesson that the teacher is teaching in the classroom. These lessons will serve as a reinforcement of the basic instructions in the classroom. WEEK TWO – SEPTEMBER 6, 2000This week we continued to work on our web page. We receive further instructions on making links and began to start our assignments for the course. Today I went to the text book website and completed my chapter review questions for chapter 1 and chapter 2. After completing the questions I submitted the results to Dr. Brown. FOCUS QUESTION- CHAPTER TWO
1. Does computer use lead to academic gains in all subject areas? |
OBJECTIVESCHAPTER 3 1. What privacy issues must be
considered when communicating? electronically? Although we are in computer age, and just about everything is done on the computer, all users must be aware of a few tips that will make their time on the computer a safe one. The first safety tip is to never leave vital information such as social security numbers, account information, phone numbers, etc., showing on one’s screen if one is using a public computer. This is important because if such information gets in the hands of the wrong person they could be able to do detrimental damage to personal accounts. Secondly, users should always lock their computer when leaving the area. And if the user is leaving for the day, always shut done one’s computer. And the user should never give anyone his or her password. Again, this is especially important if the user is a t a public computer. If the user leaves vital or confidential information on their screen and does not lock the screen or shut down the computer, someone can easily read or access all information on the screen. And lastly, all users should remember that the computer is not a toy and that if at any time the computer begins to malfunction, contact professional, or someone with knowledge of computers to help one with the computer. Computers can be very dangers if one does not know what they are doing. Be cautious of all the wires, and very stick one’s fingers or and foreign objects into any of the drives. If the users keep these three safety tips in mind,
they should have a safe and effective time on the computer. CHAPTER 4 1.
How can you keep
your students safe while they explore the Internet? It is very important to keep your students safe while they explore the Internet. Although the Internet is a great asset to the classroom, there are great deals of sites that have adult content. As a teacher, one should put a block better known as a firewall on sites that contain this information. This will inhibit students if they would try to activate these sites. But it will not hinder them from using the Internet on any other sites. This way, one’s students are still able to use the Internet, but will not finds themselves in sites that are not appropriate for class. Along with a firewall, a teacher should also monitor his or her classroom while their students are on the Internet. This will allow the teacher to see first hand what their students are accessing from the Internet. Monitoring will also put the teacher in a position where they make themselves accessible to their students who need additional help after the initial instructions are given. CHAPTER 5 1.
How can
educational software be effectively integrated into an established
curriculum? Educational software can be effectively integrated into an established curriculum as an extended or follow-up exercise. Instead of always distributing hand-outs or a written exercise for a homework assignment or follow –up activity, a teacher can opt to use a educational software to take its place. By using the software, the teacher is incorporating technology as well as the skills that he or she taught in class during their traditional instruction. |
EDUC.303 |