Humor Fanfiction
Interview with Vegeta
This is my interview with Vegeta. It's actually pretty amusing.
Interview with Trunks
Here's my interview with Trunks. Pretty much the same as the one with Vegeta, only with a surprise ending!
Trunks and Vegeta on the Tanya Show
Let's see what happens when father and son go on a Jerry Springer type show!
Alright, this is one of my favorite sections of the humor! Here we have interviews with various DBZ characters and humor stories! Enjoy!
Camera Fun
The title is pretty self-exclamitory. It's about Goku and Vegeta taping some rather *special* holidays. Thanks to zzcat for sending me this one ^_^
Wrath of the Needle
This humor fic is about Vegeta taking Goku, erm...Kakarotto, to the doctor to get a shot. Thanks to Veggiejr for this one ^_^
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