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The Reminder...

The LORD gathered his hosts around him and said,"Behold man, whom I love. Because their hearts are hard, they have turned from me, and have forgotten to honor me. But because I love them, and do not desire that any be lost, the time shall come that I shall send to them the KING of KINGS, and he shall be among them as a servant. He will make for them a clear path to follow, so that they may once again turn their faces toward me, and offer me humble and willing hearts, and find joy in the obedience and service of their GOD, and the abundance I have for them."

"But our LORD," said the hosts,"You know that they are surely a stiff-necked people, and that though you have continuously shown them nothing but mercies and kindness, and even after you have shown them signs and wonders, that they will certainly turn again to the evil one, and forget all that you have told them."

GOD was grieved, for HIS love was so great. And so HE said, "I shall set down among my people a constant reminder, so that they may have no excuse to forget how to honor their LORD. I give them a servant who is a joyful slave. He will constantly, and with unfailing patience, listen for his masters voice, and wait eagerly for his masters command, and obey with a light and happy heart. His actions will reflect his delight in his Lord, and he will not forsake his watch. He will exalt his master, and rejoice in him. His love will be constant, it will not fail. He shall be true, and lovely, and virtuous, and yet know nothing of vanity. He will even humble himself unto death. And if man be not a fool, but will be a good master, he may then find wisdom enough to find the same happiness, and contentment, and pleasure in the LORD his GOD, as the dog has found in man.

©Sandra Hetz


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