Here is the Kawasaki stock photo of the Concours:

The Kawasaki Councours

My bike is no longer completely stock. I've already added at Givi Top box on the back so it'll be able to carry more. (Stock saddle bag hold a lot, but there's always that one extra thing...) I have a Russell Saddle on order.  They may not be the prettiest, but they are supposed to be the most comfortable around.

One of the best things about the Concours that doesn't even have anything to do physically with the bike is the Concours Owners Group (COG). The have a great web page, and an awesome listserver (see webpage for details). On the list server you can ask just about anything and within a matter of hours you will receive an avalanche of answers. (Most of them helpful!) This was one of the factors that won me over to the Concours.

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Last modified: 8 MAY 98

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