Nicole's Crochet Bistro

Welcome to Nicole's Crochet Bistro!
... offering a wide variety of patterns and projects for every taste palette!

Hi! My name is Nicole Rodgers and I'm thrilled to be able to present to you my latest and greatest home on the web! I will be bringing you a wide variety of patterns and projects to enjoy. Grab yourself a cup of coffee and take a look around. Be sure to come back often as I will be changing and adding things as time permits. Hope you enjoy your visit! =o)

This site is *definitely* a WIP {work-in-progress} and will be updated as often as possible. As I can, I will be adding links for PayPal, and pictures of my patterns and projects. I now have some limited access to a digital camera, so pictures are being uploaded as I can get them. Stay a while, take a look around, and let me know what you think!

To make it easier to see what are the newest items I have offered, I now use this little image: Also, I have a newsletter group on YahooGroups where I inform everyone of additions and changes to the Bistro website! The link to join the group is further down on this page.

The Latest News: Holiday Patterns!!!
I now have a selection of holiday-themed patterns available. You can access my ever-expanding pattern collection from the patterns for sale page.

Curious as to what I've been up to?
Now that I have some access to a digital camera, I've managed to get some pictures of items that I have made. If you're curious, check out my brag page.

What else is going on at the Bistro?
Well the cro-hook CAL is in full swing with a new stitch added around the 15th of every month. See where we are at on the dedicated crochetalong page. Better yet, grab your cro-hook, some yarn, and join right in!

Would you like to know when I add new items to my site? Join the Crochet Bistro Newsletter, and you'll be the first to know! =o)

Subscribe to CrochetBistro
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Payments for my patterns and completed projects can be paid online with PayPal.
I accept payment through PayPal!, the #1 online payment service!

Why did I create this site? Learn a little more about me!
What patterns do I curently have? Check out my patterns for sale page.
What finished items am I offering for sale? Check out my projects for sale page.
What other crocheting have I been doing? Check out my "Brag" page of finished projects.
Check out my crochet links for other crochet sites I have found useful or interesting.
Please note the terms of use for my patterns.

Email Me
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These graphics were designed especially for this site by Mary I.
Please do not save these for yourself.
Thanks bunches Mary for all your help!

really great people have been here since January 1, 2003.

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