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A Review of Star Wars: The Old Republic's Latest Expansion Knights of the Fallen Empire

BioWare promised that Knights of the Fallen Empire would be a "return to cinemtaic storytelling", but was it? In our review we talk about what they did right, what they did wrong, and what felt odd.

Knights of the Fallen Empire, taking place immediately after the events of Shadow of Revan and the events on Ziost, thrusts the player into a familiar BioWare scenario, on a ship that was ambushed and is about to fail... catastrophically. After some dialogue you meet Emperor Valkorian... (click here to read more)


Fallout 4 Releases on November 10th! A look back on the Fallout franchise.

November just started, everyone is gearing up for the holidays, the new Call of Duty is about to release, and the hype train that is Fallout 4 is about to pull into the station.

After months of anticipation the latest game in the Fallout franchise is about to find it's way into gamer's hands. The Pip-Boy Edition sold out within minutes and the regular version is sure to sell in massive quantities.

But why are we so excited for this game? Is it reallt that big of a deal? Yes.(Click here to read more!)
