Masada Gaming Community

The games you want to play. The people you want to play with.

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Why Join Masada?

What is a community? A community is a group of people that is larger than a family or other small group and is held together by common resources, desires, interests, needs or beliefs. In the past, communities were almost always determined and limited by geography, i.e., they consisted of people who lived near each other. With the advent of the internet, however, people from different parts of the world have been able to form communities by sharing a virtual space! The advantages of communities One of the biggest advantages of being part of any community is the support system created among the members. Humans have a fundamental need to belong. We desire social connection and a sense of community. For this reason, this social inclusion in communities, where you always have a friend or family member to turn to, is a positive advantage of being a part of any community. The disadvantages of communities The strong bonds created among people in communities can also pose different dangers. As a part of this, it can be very difficult to leave a community as it is usually provides a strong support system. In addition, some communities strictly separate themselves from other communities or individuals. This can have a negative effect on the community�s members and their general opinions as they will not be exposed to other thoughts, ideas etc. Masada is just such a community for you, the avid gamer. Come join us...we speak your language!


Don't forget to invite your friends!

The Masada Gaming Community is always something that we would like to see grow, expand, and evolve. If you have friends that you would like to bring in, just let us know. We are also always looking for new ways to bring new games' communities into our own, so if you have a large group of friends that play Titanfall or Starcraft, please talk to any of our Division Leaders and we can see about making a new Division for you and your friends.
Each new Division has a leader chosen by tournament, so that the best players and most sportsmanlike are in highest regard. To keep things fair though, the leader of the tournament might not be the Division Leader. He still gets bragging rights though.
Typically, our membership is made of both male and female gamers. The youngest member is 15 and our oldest is a member of the Baby Boom generation! We are PC gamers using TeamSpeak but are willing to consider Console players into our fold. This would require setting up a separate communication methodology for you.
In any case, we welcome new members to our corner of the gaming world, and invite you to contact us. Please let us know, or if you have any questions. And take a look at our FAQ to see if your questions have already been asked!


Division Leads
Name: Neop Kuddles Joee
Your name could be on here!
Rank: Clan Commander Dark Councilor Liaison
Role: Group Oversight UNLIMITED POWER PR
Game: Call of Duty MMORPGs Teamspeak