Nick Talks About Each Song
6. Forgive Them
  "While reading my bible one day, I came across the scripture where Jesus, while hanging on the cross, said 'Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do', and God all of a sudden revealed to me what it felt like to be one of the soldiers that hung Jesus on the cross, and then to hear Him say that.  I could not get it out of my mind.  It just kept bugging me.  I finally had to sit down and wrote a song about it.  Just imagine though, being those very soldiers and hearing Him say that.  Boy, that would sure deflate your sails. 
   'Forgive Them' is one of the few songs I actually remember the exact date when I wrote it.  It was September 12, 2001, the day after 9/11.  I remember I sat down and wrote 'Forgive Them', and then wrote the first version of 'He Knows God Knows' about 10 minutes after finishing this song. 
   My favorite thing about the recording of this song is the upright bass sound at the beginning.  All bass players love to hear and feel as low of a frequency as you can get, and an upright bass definately gets that. 
7. Peace of Mind
  "I get such a kick out of this song.  'Peace of Mind' tells a firsthand story of a young man who walks into a church that raises their hands while praising God.  Everytime I imagine this kid, I have to laugh.  I can just see the look on his face as he is freaking out thinking 'What have I got myself into?!'  But then later on in the story he sees that raising your hands in church is not a 'cult' thing, but rather something that the Bible talks numerous times about doing while worshiping and praising God.
   Let me put it this way, if you were walking down a dark alley in Chicago some night, and some dude walks up behind you and puts a gun to your back, what would you do?  You would raise your hands up and say "I surrender."  You see, that is the same thing you are doing when you raise your hands in church, is your are saying, 'I don't care what the person beside me or behind me thinks, I am going to raise my hands and surrender all I have to God.  It is the least I can do to praise Him for all He has done in my life."
8. Welcome To The Family
  "Everyone who has ever had a friend that they have poored their heart into, praying for them to get saved, can relate to this song.  It gives a small inkling of the feeling you get when you find out that person has FINALLY committed their life to Christ.  This is something I can happily say I have had the privaledge of feeling on many occasions.  It rates as one of the best feelings in the world.
   But all in all, only one word can describe this song.... FUN!  This song goes so fast it will wear you out in no time while playing it, especially when you do 5-6 cuts in a row.  But when we had the finished product, it turned out way cool.  If you like to hear awesome guitar playing at its best, then you will love this song.  Scott Miller just took off on the Acoustic Guitar and did things I didn't think was possible to play on an Acoustic Guitar.  I literally sat there and watched him with my jaw dropped to the floor.  That is one man that can play a guitar, and play it WELL!"
9. He Knows God Knows
  "'He Knows God Knows', a very touching song, especially to anyone who is a dad, or that raised a family on their own, or that even just lost someone in their family to cancer.  The actual story behind the song is, it is a couple that never followed God in their early years.  The wife was diagnosed with cancer, and while on her death bed she asked her husband, as a dying request, to not make the same mistake that they did with their lives, but to rather raise their kids in a Church home.  It was really rough for him, but because she asked him, he did it.  And even though he didn't think anyone noticed how hard he was trying, he found out that God noticed.  It really truly is a touching song, and it seems to get a lot of people teared up.
   But to everyone's surpirse that was not the first version of the song.  As you read earlier, I wrote this song, along with "Forgive Them" the day after 9/11.  So this song actually started out to talk about a man who was trying to find people and save their lives in New York after the attack.  This man was not doing it for his own glory, because he knew it wasn't going to make him look like some big special hero, but rather because he did all things for God and not for men, and he knew God was watching.  But as you can see that just never seemed to fit or flow, so I changed it to this song, and it just fit perfect.  Who knows, I might write another song with that same story another time, it just didn't match this tune as well."
10. Life Without Loss
"I am sure that everyone out there has a friend like what this song was written about.  I had a friend that would always sit there and tell me his problems.  And every time I would tell him that he needed God in his life and that God would make it all better, he would just ignore me and say that he was realy happy for me that I found God, but it wasn't for him.  Well I finally got frustrated one time, and when I went back to my room, I just decided to take it out on my guitar, and then this song was written.  And it talks exactly about someone like this friend. 
   Well, I was playing for a Cowboy Church Service at a rodeo that next morning, and God laid it on my heart to play this song.  Now, I didn't actually like the song because it seemed to morbid, because the person in the song never actually gets saved.  But I was diligent and I sang it anyways.  Well sure enough, after church, that friend came up to me and said 'Hey, that was me, that song sounded like me, just walking through life not knowing where I am going.  And it scared me because that person never once asked God for help, and I don't want to end up where that person is probably going."  I ended up leading that friend to Jesus right there on the spot, and hence we go back to the song 'Welcome to the Family' to tell how I felt at that moment."
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