My dissertation is about the problem of trasvase here in Zaragoza. Trasvase is spanish which means to "divert". The problem is that many areas in the south of Spain such as Murcia are in need of water, and the PHN ( the National Water Party ) has come up with a plan to divert water from the river Ebro to many parts south of Spain. I am going to write my dissertation on the opinions of the Aragonese people, and why they are so against the proposed plan.

If anyone has any information or knows of any useful links please email me them and it would be greatly appreciated.

Email me at this address:
[email protected]
Click HERE if you want to read  my dissertation
Click HERE for the front cover
Click HERE for the contents page
Click HERE for the bibliography
This is how the PHN wants to distribute the water to various areas in Spain and in what quantity.
Links I use for my dissertation:
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