

                        This is the place to be and when everything gets in, you'll be hearing a lot from each of us. Of course for the time being, this page will have comments on everything until we manage to get it organized. Oh yes, we take submissions on almost any subject, no profanity or naughty stuff. Play nice.

                               Nick & Mike, chief editorial staff

         Okay, it seems as if we didn't make ourselves clear,  this section is only for comments about this site and random other subjects.  There will be no harrassment or feuding via editorials otherwise your contribution will be deleted.  The editing staff reserves the right to cut any letter down to size.  And lastly, no submission reflects the opinion of the staff unless we say so.  Send comments and other stuff to editor 1, Nick because I don't have e-mail yet. Also, comments can say gen. and editorials must say ed. anyone who doesn't want their name or address given will be given a letter.


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New Editorial!!!

Subject: Site fanfic characters

  Do you people have to add in your fanfic characters
with the regular ones?  Really.  You haven't even given us
summaries of the stories or pictures of the characters.
Why get everyone all hyped up?

Response: Mike

  Yes, yes, we do.  Summaries are still in the works
and the pics are now up.  The chief just wanted to add
something more.

Addition: Peter

  Do you really need new paper?  I thought the old
one was fine.

Nick: Really?

Peter: The fonts could've used more work.  Hey, where's
my devotion page?

Nick: I'm working on it.


     Why do a whole essay on them when I have a list with
16 reasons on it?  Go to 86 news and find out.

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