TheQuote Library

            The quote library mainly exists because some really odd things have been said.  This library is mainly made of memorable quotes from just about everywhere.  In actuality, this is just a file of past quotes, most of which are from Ghostbusters, that we're keeping on file.  Happy reading.............

Main GB86


       Why worry? Each of us is wearing an unlicensed nuclear accelerator on his back.
      If I still valued my life, I'd've quit this job.
      Yeah, I think I'm allergic to bigfoot...or at least his cologne anyway.
      That brought a whole new meaning to the expression 'a little off the top'.
      I wonder if that's what they meant by 'finger sandwiches'
      Hey Ray, did ya manage to get me a copy of the paper? I'm thinkin' of lookin' for a new job.
      And you said that was normal for this place…..
      I did, but he only lost weight from his head.
      I can't believe it! Ya conned me! Me, your own son!!!
      Janine, remind me to pay ya, so I can cut your salary.
      With a little spaghetti sauce, we could be meatballs.
      Dead bodies are my specialty.
      Listen, do you smell something?
      Since I've been with these guys, I've seen stuff that'll turn you white!
      It's every New Yorker's god given right to treat people like dirt.
      I'm a secretary, I can read anything.
      Let's hurry up and get home or li'l Petey here is gonna thwow up.
      I'm Peter Venkman, I'm famous.
      They wouldn't happen to be supernatural fat ladies on horseback.
      He was borderline for a while, then he crossed the border.
      Chickens!!! You want me to get rid of chickens!!!
      No company with a government contract ever knows what it's doin'.
      She can't fire me, I'm the boss.

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