Nick, Christine, and Neil

click Here to learn more about Dante's parents

These are my parents, Nick and Christine.  They went to Winnipeg without me, but I forgave them this time because it was Christmas. The guy on the right is Neil, Nicks best friend, he came back with them for a little while.


They finally have pictures of me! My beauty has been captured on film and then scanned and posted on the web for everyone to see!!

My Dad writes poetry (or used to) and if you want to see it, you can check it out HERE .  If not, I don't blame you.  Its not really that good by my immaculate standards.

We now have many links and pictures of all our friends and relatives.  My dad is still gonna try out some new web design stuff soon, So make sure you come back and visit often.  You can watch me grow and learn a little about Chinese Water Dragons!!

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My Life
1 month
Well, my first month has been an exciting one. From the time I got here, my parents have been trying to get me used to being around people. They try to take me out at least once a day. I pretend to put up a fight when they try and take me out, and I usually take off after they get me out. But I always let them catch me and carry me around. My favorite spot so far is sitting on the radiator, it feels nice against my belly, and my parents will even give me a few wax worms or meal worms while I'm basking there.

So far my favorite snacks are crickets, but a wax worm now and again is a nice treat. They tried to feed me some small fish, but they were to fast for me and a little to big I suppose. I've grown a little over the past month, but mainly around my waist. My cage has been changed around twice so far, and I got a plant a little while ago that I like to try and climb. I think thats about all thats happened this past month. Tune in next month for another update.

no picture Due to a lack of a camera, my parents didn't get to catch my beauty on film this month. However there were lots of exciting things going on this month. I got a new plant in my aquarium, and I've shed 4 times this month!! I must say that I am filling out nicely. I'm growing nice and big, and am able to get away from my parents more often. I realize now that my parents don't like it when I run behind the entertainment unit though. I got a talking to after that episode.

My eating habits haven't changed to much. Although, I only eat meal worms while I'm on the radiator now. I still love crickets and waxworms, but I gave up on the fish for now... just to hard to get down I suppose.

look, I'm blurry Well, this was a different month. had a few problems this month, but I think everything is all better now. First were the mites my parents found in my cage. They ended up noticing they weren't on me, so they put me in some warm water in the sink while they cleaned my cage and logs with a bleach solution. Everything seems to be better now though. But then they took off for Christmas and left me with a friend of Nicks. But they picked me back up on the 28th, and they brought a camera (which Nick got for Christmas). So there are a couple pictures, they just need to be developed. And that brings us to 2000!!! happy new year everyone!

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