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Pets Name: draggy and dragsy

Andrew Shea - 03/03/00 01:20:51
My Email:[email protected]
Pets Name: Tess
can u please give me information an water dragon breeders in either MA or NH?!

Yakinikoo - 01/15/00 19:27:07
Well I had the best time out there. Probably one of the best trips I've ever taken. Definitely the best New Year's!! And I really mean that, you guys are great. I feel honored to have friends like you. Thanks for everything :) 14/01/00

Nick - 12/16/99 04:42:11
My Email:[email protected]
Pets Name: Dante
To Jim, in regards to Dirk: Congadulations on buying a water dragon, they make great pets! The important things you should know about water dragons in the bigining are this from my experience: 1. make sure that your enclosure is BIG! we have our baby WD in a 20 gallon aquarium, and after 2.5 months, we are already looking at buying (actually self constructing) a way bigger enclosure. I figure when it is done it will be about 200+ gallons in ize. 2. make sure your enclosure is humid. 80-85% humidity is best for water dragons. the heat should also be fairly high. between 85-90F during the day and 70-80 at night. 3. handle your WD often. At least take him/her out once a day. You will find at first that they will open their mouths as if to bite you, this goes away with handling. I've only been bit 2 times, but better now when it has very small teeth that really don't hurt instead of later when they are sharp and can cause damage. WARNING: make sure that you wash your hands after handling with an antibacterial soap. All lizards have the possability of carrying salmonella because they can walk through their fec s. 4. Make sure to have a pool for them to swim in, it should be deep enough to submerge half of their body height in, and should be long enough to get most of their body in. 5. give them something to climb on, a good sterile log works, but combined with a leafy (non toxic) plant, it provides hiding and shade. 6. never buy an electric heating rock, it can seriously burn your lizard. instead use an under aquarium heater or a heat light. this in combination with a UVB bult will allow your lizard to digest food and absorb calcium. 7. meal worms and crickets seem to be a favorite supper for them, and as a treat feed them waxworms, they are fatty, but they really like them. Aside from that, bookmark the page, and visit often and ask as many questions as you need to. Water Dragons are very friendly and will live a long time if taken proper care of. http://www.geocities.com/nickandchristine/ p.s. how did you find out about the page? best of luck Nick, Christine and Dante

Jeannine Lavallee - 11/25/99 04:08:56
My Email:[email protected]
Pets Name: Copper
Hey guys! This site is awesome! You guys are so cute! Hope to get to meet lil' Dante someday! -Copper's got some competition for that cuteness award, eh? ;)

Mommy (Chris) - 11/21/99 18:50:40
My URL:You're at it!
My Email:[email protected]
Pets Name: Dante!
Good job, Daddy. =) Isn't our baby Chinese Water Dragon just adorable???! Just an update for everyone, I got a job at a new shop here in Calgary. I am working in their jewellery shop for now but I will be piercing in the other piercing shop in the new year.

DekeMcG(aka The Mighty Jayhoo) - 11/20/99 03:32:31
My URL:http://geocities.com/jayhoo98
My Email:[email protected]
Pets Name: The Rock(My pet rock)
Hey Lizzard got a real name hehehehe, I like Dante....tiz really cool.

Linda W. - 11/13/99 06:04:20
My Email:[email protected]
Pets Name: nada
Hey guys, Love Dante's page. Giggle, I think I'm gonna name my kid Dante. :) Love you all. Best of Luck, and stay "fluffy". Giggle, remember that one? Man, I need a cat now. From Detroit, Linda "Gjelaj"

Becky C. - 11/04/99 02:36:24
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ga2/beckyc/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Pets Name: BackDraft
Hey Dante.. and Nick and Christine! This page looks great so far! I will come back often to see all of the improvements that are being made to it *S*

Rae - 10/22/99 16:08:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/fashionavenue/agency/1621/
My Email:[email protected]
Pets Name: kitty
I don't have a pet, munchkins. But I like your green skin and how you get away from Christine. Sorry I pretended I was going to eat you; please forgive me before you get big.

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