Nick Walters Christine Hopkins
Birthday: August 20th 1978 Birthday: April 23rd 1980
Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Info: Nick is a 21 year old who has interests in the field of computer programming and technology. He is an amateur web designer, and graphics artist. This page was designed by Nick with the help of a few HTML books and a copy of Paintshop Pro�. Nick is Currently working in a bookstore in Calgary and enjoys the work a lot. It gives him a chance to read, and brush up on anything computer related since he gets to read any book he wants. He hopes to get his degree in computer operations and technology, but in the meantime he is content to make the occasional web page (like this one here), and spend time with his fianc� Christine. If you would like more information about Nick or would like help designing a web page e-mail him at [email protected] Info: Christine is a 19 year old who is in the process of getting her MCSE. She is also a body piercer, although she is not working out of a shop at the present moment. She is currently looking towards a medical education, following her mother's footstep who is an operating room nurse in a hospital in Barrie, Ontario. She is a great cook, and a caring mother to Dante. She enjoys anything crafty or artsy, which only leaves me with one question... Why does she like me?? If you would like to know more about Christine, e-mail her at [email protected]
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