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Welcome to the home page of

Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate-do, Urals.

Take a look at What's New in our web.

This Site is dedicated to Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate-do Style, which is spread on Urals. There are several dojos on Urals. I represent one of them, which is situated in Sverdlovsk region in Artemovsky town. Our teacher is Vladimir Sitnik, 5th dan Goju-Ryu Karate-do (I.O.G.K.F.). He is a direct pupil of Morio Higaonna Sensei (9th dan I.O.G.K.F.).

You can see Russian version (русская версия) of our site!

You can contact us via e-mail or via post:

Vladimir Sitnik
Gagarin st. 1a - 28
Artemovsky, Sverdlovsk region
623780 Russia

Or you can phone us +7 (34363) 2-00-06 or +7 (912) 245-99-79

Or you can fax us +7 (34363) 2-00-06

What's New

The following is a list of recent additions to our web. Whenever we add anything to our web, we put a notice here. The most recent changes are listed first, and each item is linked to the page with the updated content.

2006 November

  • Updated links page of Goju-Ryu Karate-Do, Urals.

2006 October

  • Changed some texts and left-side navigation bar in all pages of Goju-Ryu Karate-Do, Urals.
  • Changed Russian part of Goju-Ryu Karate-Do, Urals.
  • Moved to archive records of 2004.

2005 May-June

  • Vladimir Sitnik and our students took part in VIIth International "Naha-te" Tournament on Karate and Kobudo, group «A» in Odessa (Ukraine).
  • Added a page with information about VIIth International "Naha-te" tournament.
  • Added new page of photos from tournaments.
  • Added new text in texts section.
  • Corrected some errors in texts.

2005 April

  • There was Vladimir Sitnik's seminar in town Talitza (Sverdlovsk region, Russia) on March 28 to 31. There were 50 participants of seminar and 43 of them had got new kyu belts.
  • Updated page with photos of students.

2005 March

  • There will be Vladimir Sitnik's seminar in town Talitza (Sverdlovsk region, Russia) on March 23. Additional information you can get by phones or by phone in Talitza +7 (34371) 2-22-60 (Zinurov Alexander Borisovich).
  • There will be Vladimir Sitnik's seminar in Tomsk city (Russia) about middle of April. Additional information you can get by phones.

2005 February

2005 January

  • Massive photos update.
  • Updated links page.
  • There were traditional winter seminar for instructors at Artemovsky on January 2 to 6, 2005.
  • We invite anyone interested to participate Vladimir Sitnik's seminars. Schedule of seminars may be found out by phone or by e-mail. Also you can arrange your own seminar.

You can see previous news in news archive.

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