Just To See Her

~~~~Chapter 47~~~~

Kathy looked over to Nick and back to his mother. "Get out!" Jane screamed at her. "Nick." Kathy said sadly. He lifted his head. "Kathy, don't go." His voice was strong and determined. Jane spun around to face her son. "She is leaving Nick, she's broken every rule I gave her." Nick stood up and faced his mother. "I am in love with her and the only person going somewhere is you." Jane looked at Nick in shock. "You don't have to defend her. She's no better than the last slut you were dating." Nick's raised his hand and slapped his mother's face. Kathy covered her mouth with her hand to hide the grin on her face. "Good aim Nick." she whispered to herself. "Christina can't even begin to compare with Kathy." Nick stated. He gestured for Kathy to stand beside him and he wrapped his arm around her waist. "We are in love and you are not welcome in this house until you can accept that." The couple turned their backs to Jane and walked back to the sofa. "You'll be sorry Nick! Don't come crying to me when she leaves you and takes all your money!" "Out mother." Nick said calmly. "Come back and talk to me when you've come to your senses."

The sound of the slamming door echoed in the ensuing silence that surrounded the house. Kathy finally took a breath and collapsed against Nick on the sofa. "Oh Nick, thank you, I don't know what to say!" He held her tight against him. "Tell me you love me. Tell me that mom is wrong and I have found someone that loves me and not my money. Tell me this is right." Kathy took his face in her hands. "I love you. I don't care if you have 2 cents to your name, I love you. This is so right Nick, so very right." They embraced and kissed. "What would you say if I asked you to marry me?" Kathy stared at Nick. "Marry you?" He nodded. "Right now. Will you marry me Kathy?" Without thinking, she nodded her answer. "Oh Nick, yes! Yes, yes, yes!" "Let's make some calls then and do it tonight!" Nick exclaimed. "Tonight? I don't know if that will be possibly, honey." Kathy chided gently. "Don't you want to?" he asked. "Or do you have to have a big wedding that costs a fortune?" She could hear the hurt in his voice. She placed her hands on his shoulders. "Nick, I don't care if we get married in a tree! I just don't know if we can find someone to do it tonight. We need a witness and a license." "And a ring!" Nick interrupted. "I don't need a ring." She assured him. "I just need you. That's it."

"You're getting married?" Rho burst through the door ahead of Howie and grabbed Kathy. "You're really getting married?" Kathy laughed and nodded. "We're really getting married!" "When?" Rho let go of Kathy and grabbed Nick, knocking both of them off balance so that they landed in a heap on the floor. "Try not to injure my husband to be, please!" Kathy grinned, as she helped them to their feet. "We're getting married tomorrow, on the beach out back." Nick informed her and Howie. "Congratulations buddy! You two are great together! Wow, who would have thought you would be the next to get married?" Howie and Nick stayed on the sofa talking as Rho and Kathy walked into the dining room. "I'm so happy for you! This is so great!" Rho hugged her friend again. "I love it!" "Hey Kath!" Nick called from the living room. "Howie and I are going out for a bit alright?" Kathy walked back to the living room. "Will you be alright?" She looked at Howie with concern in her eyes. "I'll be fine." Nick answered. "I have my cane and my buddy. No problems!"

By the time Nick and Howie returned the house was still. "They must be out back with the dogs or something." "I can't believe you are doing this Nick, are you really sure? It seems pretty sudden." Nick made his way to the bedroom, tapping slowly with his cane. "I've never been more sure Howie. I love her so much and I know, just by all the things she does for me, that she really loves me too. I'm not gonna be lucky enough to find someone like her again." Howie agreed. "So where should I put this?" "Oh! I almost forgot!" Nick thought for a moment. "Can you keep it and bring it tomorrow for me?" He opened the closet door and gestured to Howie. "And can you help me find something to wear to my wedding?"

Later that night Nick and Kathy lay on the couch going over their plans for the next day. "Did you call everyone?" Nick asked, his fingers gently stroking her hair. "I called the guys, the minister, the city hall for the license and Alexa for the blood test. Oh and I called my parents!" "Good. So it's up to me to call my family, right?" Kathy squeezed his knee gently. "Your family should be there, you know you want them there." Nick let out a sigh. "Mom won't come." "She might surprise you Nick, call them." Kathy urged. He sighed and took the phone she held out to him. Kathy turned to look at him as he talked to his father. Nick's face showed no emotion as he talked and Kathy couldn't tell if the going was good or bad. "Okay then, tomorrow at 3? Good. Bye Dad." Nick clicked the phone off and handed it to her. "Well?" "Dad is overjoyed." Nick smiled and hugged her. "I could hear Aaron screaming in the background and Leslie came on the extension to say congratulations." Kathy sighed in relief. "Thank goodness! And your mother?" "Dad didn't know but he would talk to her. He said she was furious when she went home tonight." Kathy snuggled into Nick's chest. "Let's forget all about that for now, alright?" Nick held her tight. "We're getting married tomorrow." Kathy smiled. "You sound like you're not sure!" "I'm positive!" Nick pulled her up and kissed her. "We're getting married tomorrow!"

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