These pictures are from a memorial I held for Nick on Tuesday, September 13th.  I got there at 7:30, and there was no one there but Drew, who met me there.  I met Drew about a year earlier through NIck.  I sat on the curb and cried while Drew comforted me.  After a few minutes, the people I invited came, and so did many people that I had met through Nick while he was alive.  It was really strange seeing these people, because I had only seen them while he was alive.  Everyone cried and shared stories about Nick.  Most were hilarious stories about things he had done to make people laugh.  We all scrolled messages of love for Nick and his family in chalk along the asphault where he passed away.  Thank you to everyone that was there to show your love and support.  It was truly an emotional night for everyone that was there.
Memorial Pages:
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Click here for More Pics of Nick's Memorial
The chalk Sacred Heart in the making
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