The Norwich High School Class of 1964




45th Class Reunion Information! Mark the dates July 24-26


We had our reunion pre-plan meeting today at the Ontario. I will synopsize what we accomplished 
so you can post it on the site:

In attendance: 
   Laverna (Slater) Miles
   Sue (Cincotta) Tefft
   Jane (Hust) Prime
   Jessie (Graves) Golden
   Larry Abbott
   Teresa (Downey) Blenis
   Barb (McNeil) Schermerhorn
   Yours Truly (MFA2)

The date will be the weekend of July 24-25, 2009. The format will be much as in the past (why screw 
around with success?): 
   Fri. evening of 7/24 "Icebreaker" at the Ontario 
   Sat. evening of 7/25 "Main Event" at the newly renovated (lovely!!!) American Legion on Sheldon St.
We are planning on Sunday breakfast/brunch (BYO) and golf for those interested (BYO).
The theme will be "Be True To Your School."  
I expect that the invitations will be sent early 2009. 
That's it for now. Thanks in advance for posting.


by Jim Pitzvada (Pitfido) Class of 1964

It is in the airs, can you feel it? Can you sense it? Can you hear the calling?

My dictionary refers to a pilgrimage as a long journey or search, especially one of exalted purpose or moral significance, the journey of human life, a journey=2 0to a shrine or other sacred place.

Yes, it is that time in my life again for my pilgrimage to Norwich, New York. It is time for my Norwich Senior High School Class of 1964 five year class reunion.

It is bonding time. Time to reminisce about the glorious past and to anticipate the future with my classmates. What a great time to look forward to! Conversing, laughing about all the great times we grew up in and experienced. I especially enjoy seeing classmates that I have not seen in ages and catching up =0 A and sharing all of life’s moments together.

I make a point of walking all over Norwich when I come up to the five year reunions. This energizes me and gives me a sense of who I am and where I came from, part of my “journey of life”. So many memories and faces pour out of my mind and remind me of my upbringing. God those were great times we experienced and grew up in.

I am lookin g forward to seeing my other “pilgrims” at the 45th class reunion and being called “Jimmy” once again! Hope to see you there.


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