The New Zealand that the Government would prefer
kept un-seen

CryptomeThis is a great international site to keep an eye on whats being hidden from us

Butcher Report
For more dirty tricks by the government check out the Butcher Report
on Home Page and The Report itself


Dogs Website outing the Manuaku murderers

MangrovesWhat is happening about the mangrove weed

What is happening about the whales So...what is our government doing about the Japs murdering whales in our own territory?. Absolutely nothing. Americans seem to be doing it for us. Good on them

Cyfswatch blog spot. Cyfswatch blog spot Why is a government department not accountable to anyone? Give the bastards heaps

Mel Gibson
Not New Zealand but thought I would post a few things here after I was blocked from some overseas websites.
Gibsons Anti-Semitic Tirade - Alleged Cover Up From editor and website.
Mel Gibsons statement on his DUI arrest Associated Press
Did Police Try to Hide Mel Gibsons Anti-Semitic Tirade From editor and website.
Gibson statement The hand-written staement by Mel Gibson.....PDF file. right-clic and save

Louise Nicholas

Rape Posters The only photos I have found so far

Faces to the Names

Been out distributing the leaflets in K'Road Area.
No way they are going to hide this now...
Breaking the law publishing this?...
Contempt of court?..
What they have done to the law makes makes the whole legal system contemptable A good back ground on the Clint Rickards case

Peterellis A good back ground on the Clint Rickards case

Louise Nicholas Blog on Capitalism Bad Tree Pretty
Three Point Turn. I have been threatened already so.....
I have moved the flyer off my site in fairness to my generous web host.
You can find it here Louise Nicholas Flyer

The following is my own opinion based on what is now public knowledge.

Bob Schollum and Brad Shipton are convicted rapists....
No wonder the court suppressed this evidence.
Not only that but a police batton was used in that case as well.
Are they such a pack of dickless wonders that they have to resort to miss-use of police property?
Are Police officers who engage in group sex with vulnerable young women trust worthy enough to protect our society?
What a pack of hypocrites......scary

I also know from personal experience what these people are like.
Over the years I have been assulted, sexually assulted, strip searched in a public area, refused a phone call to my solicitor, been falsely charged, had complaints lost/destroyed etc etc.
All because I am a transsexual and they were part of some sort of elitist group of yobbos.(and not all were male either).
Not that they are all like that, there are a lot of dedicated and fair police out there, but it is the ones with major personality problems who leave a bad taste in my mouth whenever I see the blue uniform.

Muhammad Cartoons These cartoons are from a site which has gone down since January 31, 2006.

They dont have the cheek to call themselves Social Welfare or Income Support any more.....they don't give a damn about people.
Treachery and dirty tricks by WINZ
Link removed pending court case
Stuff them...I have put it back winz.html

Inland Revnue
Our job to be fair? Ha.... what a joke
More dirty tricks and underhandedness by Inland Revenue
Follows on from the WINZ lot
Link removed pending court case
Stuff them...I have put this back as well part4.html

This stuff is scary.They made several people (including me) take it off the net
Mormans Message Mormans Follow up


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