Do you know of a really cool and useful FREE webmaster resource or website that you are willing to share with YC2zine Readers?

Your full name:
Your email address: (e.g.: [email protected])

YouCan2 is starting a mailing list to keep visitors informed of updates and cool new additions to the site. Each issue will feature at least one new website/resource along with a selected readers' opinion of that site. Please help by sending in your favorite or your least favorite "paid to surf"/"paid to use the Net" or webmaster tools and resource sites(eg;free gifs/clipart sites, free website promotion sites, free html tutorials, etc.) Let me know why you like/dislike the site in a brief yet descriptive paragraph in the box below. Please include the URL(web address) of the site you are 'reviewing' as well as the URL of your own website.(if you have one) If your suggestion is chosen to appear in YC2zine, your URL will be listed, too!(You might even get a few extra hits out of the deal!) If you simply send in blatent advertisements for your own website, your submission will be deleted. The idea is to get real unbiased opinions/reviews so others can make informed decisions before clicking, joining or whatever! Thanks for your help! Enter your 'review' below!
