Topics in MIS

(spring 2007)

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Project A

my project is about Columbia university I have to find out about errors and features about it.

Columbia university

I choose this project because we have team work in our class about top 10 universities in USA I choose Columbia University because it is interesting college in New York city.

- there is no copyrights reserved and posted date.

- when clicking by menu things doesn't highlighted it is very important for choose the Manu style when you try to click on one object it has to be selected or it has to be in different style in order to figure it out which one you are choosing.

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-using the searching engine try to search " catalog" gives you different catalog that you don't want


-try to search for any majors in search comes up with something different major

-it gives you two different icon for home keys

CU Home
Columbia University in the City of New York


-At home page too much space left for other information could have used it for another info.


- when type person name "smith" in search it gives you different person's information that you don't need it which is really bad for person who is trying to look for person and can't find the right information. they should fix that.









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