My terms of use are simple:
1. If anything on this site states do not take, this set is not linkware, do not remove from this site, or anything else along those lines, please do not take it.
2. If the things that you download are stated as linkware or customware, a link back to ~ is required.
3. Please do not make any changes to anything you download from here. If changes are needed to any of the page elements, please e-mail me and I will be glad to make the changes for you.
4. Linkware and Customware set are not to be mixed and matched with other peoples backgrounds, or other web-page elements. This means do not take background from my sets and put them with someone else's websets, or vice versa. If you need a different background, color or a different pattern, etc., e-mail me, and I will see what I can do. This should not be necessesary as I make many backgrounds to go with each webset I make, and they will all be included in the zip file.
If anyone has a question, or would just like to comment, please feel free to email me.
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