My name is Melanie. I am 26 years old and live in Georgia in the Southeast United States. I have been married for a little over nine years to a wonderful man and have three beautiful children with him. We have two daughters and a son. They are ages 7, 6, and our son is 2. I hope you have a nice time during your visit here, and come back again.
I enjoy many things, PSP being only one of them. My other hobbies include reading books of any kind, camping with my family, writing poetry, web page design, learning new things, pursuing the art of digital painting, and chatting in instant messages, but only to people that I know. I also enjoy collecting books and watching movies with Patrick Swayze or Vin Diesel in them.
I also would like to say a big thank you to my Mom, Dad, husband, my younger brother, and a couple of online friends of mine named LilSpiritFeather and NativeGem for checking out some of my pages for me. Big hugs to all 6 of you. I really appreciate all the feedback and comments from each and every one of you. Even though I couldn't take every suggestion that was given to me, I do thank you for giving them.
If anyone has a question, or would just like to comment, please feel free to email me.