If you have noteworthy news please let us know by emailing us. We will be glad to post it. You can also post it in our forum.
What a blessing!  Soul will be traveling to Nashville this coming spring to compete in the Christian Music Talent Search Finals. Soul won the regional competition this past summer at the Rock the Light Christian Music Festival.  Even though the day was consumed by the puoring rain, the music and the ministry went forth.

Stay tuned for more information as we receive it from the folks at CMTS.  For more information on the talent search go to
Ever heard of A'kasha?  Well, you will soon! They are two young ladies with a heart for God and a song that he has given them to sing.  They are also Rock Right Records brand new recording artists.  They have a website coming soon that will include all of the juicy details.

What started out as an entry in a contest that was being held by a local secular radio station has ended up being a wonderful blessing. 

Kim and Carah have been singing together for their entire lives and decided to sing accapella onto a tape.  Who knew that they

(cont'd Go to A'kasha)
the lounge
soul 2 soul productions
the artists
for the good of the hood
the studio
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