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About Us25/09/2001
Newslink, which was a periodical before February 2002 was changed to a daily from February 13, 2002. At first, it was only only a one sheeter (single sheet) oweing to financial constraints.

However, with a little help from friends and well-wishers, it became a broadsheet with having four pages from August 26, 2002.

Government officials, departments and individuals have shown great interest in this publication giving us moral and financial support through various means. As a result, we wish to thank them all, among whom are our readers, both online and hard copy.

Newslink is owned by K Zabiaka of Aizawl Chanmari W, who is also the publisher and managing editor while David M Thangliana is the editor.

Newslink Online is intended to be an online extension of the newspaper; readers and well-wishers alike are invited to sign the guest book. Newslink Online is at the moment the only Mizoram-related news website updated daily, which makes it a prominent source for news and information on the state.

Readers are invited to participate in both the online as well as the paper versions of Newslink English Daily by sending us articles, commentaries or reviews via e-mail, snail mail or by hand. Enquiries and suggestions may be sent in by either of the three aforementioned means or by phone. Our contact info can be had from the [ contact ] section in the navigation bar.

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