Whenever you have a group of individuals who are beyond any investigation who can manipulate the press, judges, members of Congress(Boards of Supervisors), you are always going to have within our government those who are "Above The Law". -Nico Toscani-
Click an underlined topic to see the stories of the Fluvanna government situations
The portal to Fluvanna politics and almost current info no one wants you to know
Where did the 6.5 million dollars of the CPV deal disappear to that sealed the deal with Mel & CPV?? Citizens have to wait on interest? Give them a break.
sheridan was the citizens' "Last hope" and failed. <--read the story) **Numerous citizens for months have had applications for the committees and commissions and Mel instead waits until the last minute application of CPV representative Bosley Crowther to appoint him to the Planning commission. This application was received July 27th and was only passed out to the supervisors the night of the Board meeting of August 1st.** A typical slap in the face of the citizens of the Columbia district and the county as a whole....To Slap the citizens even further Mel has attempted the same trick but will have to wait until the Sep. 19th Board meeting to nominate and place Tenaska prawn Jimmy "only 450 postcards" Perkins on the Economic Development Committtee. To avoid "The Look" Bucko Pace made it to the meeting to do Mel's dirty work and nominated Perkins to the EDC. A failure in progress.
So How has the school system progressed with the blank check system that has been accepted by the citizens tax dollars? Let's take a look - 10 years of school spending and test results