Laeto McGurgle

Class: Bard

Race: Zombie

Age: Don't Ask

Background: The bartender and owner of The Dancing Goblin, the area's only tavern, Laeto gets all the business from TwoTrees. It's not that he's a good bartender, in fact he frightens the customers more often than not. And part of him are always falling off. Into drinks. Into food. He's more of a health risk, actually. But if a rival Tavern or Pub or Restaurant opens, the owner of that said establishment mysteriously vanishes. Some have rumored that Laeto eats them, cause everyone knows a Zombie eats brains, but no one ever asks him. For fear of the same fate. Cronas has thought for some time now to get Depli to ask him, because of his distinctive lack of brains, but she hasn't gotten around to it. For the most part he's a cheerful, friendly, if gross feature of TwoTrees. Just don't look directly at him. Luckily it's always dark at The Dancing Goblin.

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